Monday, September 30, 2019
Bacterial Staining
Certain stains can also be used to identify internal structures of the cell, which would otherwise be unseen. Further, in order to use the oil immersion objective of the microscope and thereby obtain the iratest degree of magnification, it is convenient to use stained preparations rather than wet mounts. L Although bacteria do not appear greatly different from their surroundings, they differ chemically. It is this chemical difference that enables us to distinguish bacteria by staining, the stain or dye readily reacting with the bacterial cell but not with the background. Preparation of Smear Before Staining (figure 1) 1. Prepare a clean slide. Put a proper label. 2. Heat your loop to sterilize it. 3. For solid media: 0 Using a sterile inoculating loop, place a 1 or 2 loophole of distilled water on the enter of the slide. 0 Scrape a small amount of the culture off the slant. 0 Smear on the center of the slide, with the distilled water, the scraped material. For liquid media: 0 Make a smear from the broth. You don't have to add water as the bacteria are already suspended in water. Use 2 or 3 loophole of the culture. 0 Spread the culture on the center of the slide. 4. Reheat the loop to clean it. 5. Let the smear dry. – air dry – heat fix- passing the slide through a flame 2 or 3 times Figure 1. Preparation of smear. Classification of Stain Based on Functions 1. Simple Staining Method – In this method one aniline dye is used to stain the organism to be studied. 2. Differential Staining Method – Under this type of classification, the staining method employed divides the microorganism into groups.The Gram's Staining Method and Acid-Fast (Zilch-Nielsen Method) fall under this category. 3. Selective or Special Staining Method – Under this category, parts or portion of the cell are stained differently from the rest of the cell. 4. Indirect Staining Method – Indirect stains are also relief stains because it is the background whi ch takes up the taint, not the organism and the organism are only seem by contrast. 2 Examples of Staining Simple Staining Methods Use only 1 stain. Use to determine cell morphology, size and arrangement.Procedure: a. Make a smear. B. Staining: 1. Place the slide on a staining rack. 2. Flood the smear with several drops of the dye, allow it to remain for the following intervals: – Carbon-fuchsia – 15 to 30 seconds – Methyl Blue – 2 to 5 minutes – Crystal violet – 30 to 45 seconds 3. Carefully wash the excess stain off with distilled water from a wash bottle. Let the water run down the tilted slide. 4. Gently blot the smear with a paper towel or absorbent paper and let it dry. C. View the prepared slide under the microscope. Results and reaction: Reaction / Results Principle Samples of Bacteria All bacteria in smear takes stain Simple stains use basic dyes All types of and appears in color of stain which are positively bacteria. Charged. Thes e positive dyes 0 Shape: interact with the slightly 0 Spherical – coca negatively charged bacterial 0 Rod – bacilli cell wall thus lending the color 0 Arrangement : of the dye to the cell wall. 0 Coca in clusters – staphylococci 0 Coca in chains – thyrotrophic 2. A.Gram's Stains most common technique the gram stain is valid only when performed on young (less than 24 hours old) cultures of bacteria Procedure:l b. Gram staining: Steps Purpose 1. Use a clothespin or slide rack to hold the slide. 3 2. Cover the smear with crystal violet and leave for 30 seconds. 3. Wash the slide carefully with distilled water from a wash bottle. O do not squirt the water directly Primary stain – all bacteria are stained purple. Onto the smear 4. Without drying, cover the smear with Gram's iodine for 30 seconds. 5.Without washing, decolonize with 95% ethyl alcohol. Let the alcohol run through the smear until no large amount of purple wash out. O do not over decolonize 6. Immediately wash with distilled water. 7. Add seafaring for 30 seconds. Mordant – this intensifies the ionic bond between the primary stain and the Primary stain is washed out of some bacteria, while others are unaffected. Secondary stain or countersink – stains the decolonize bacteria red. 8. Wash with distilled water and blot the slide with a paper towel or absorbent paper. Let dry. C. Examine under the microscope. 9.Results: Reactions / Result Gram cell wall are thick and chemically costive (+) simple, composed mainly of 0 purple protein and cross-linked colored minicomputers – alcohol causes dehydration and shrinkage of the gram+ cell wall – reducing the loss of substances such as crystal violet Aggregative (-) 0 pink wall is a thin, complex, multilayered structure containing protein, minicomputers and lipids – when treated with alcohol, the lipid dissolves and the primary stain is wash out Samples of Bacteria Gram positive coca in clusters (figure AAA): Staphylococci species Gram positive bacilli (figure ad): Colostomies species Crematoriums Bacillus anthracicGram negative coca in chains: – Streptococci Gram negative coca (figure 4 – Engineers species Gram negative bacilli (figure c): – Escherichia coli – Kielbasa pneumonia b d Figure 2. Different observations in Gram's Staining. (a)gram+ coca in clusters (b)gram + coca in chains (c)gram- bacilli (d)gram+ bacilli (e)gram- coca. (f)gram stain mixed 5 B. Acid – Fast Stain (Zilch – Nielsen Stain)l ,5 0 to stain Mycobacterium species especially M. Tuberculosis – Contain large amount of fatty waxes (mycology acid) within their cell wall resists staining by ordinary methods 0 Procedure: 1. Flood smear with Carbon Fuchsia Carbon Fuchsia is a lipid soluble, stain. Heinlein compound, which is able to penetrate the cell wall. 2. Cover flooded smear with filter paper 3. Steam for 10 minutes. Add more Carbon Fuchsia stain as needed . 4. Cool slide. 5. Rinse with distilled water. 6. Flood slide with acid alcohol (leave 15 The waxy cell wall then prevents the seconds). The acid alcohol contains stain from being removed by the acid 3% HCI and 95% ethanol or H2O alcohol (decolonize) once it has SIS. Penetrated the cell wall. The acid alcohol decolonize will remove the stain from all other cells. . Tilt slide 45 degrees over the sink and add acid alcohol drop wise (drop by drop) until the red color stops streaming from the smear. 8. Rinse with distilled water
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Gauging The Causes Of Energy Insecurity Economics Essay
IntroductionNumerous energy literatures written by academic research workers, every bit good as statements made by representatives of oil consuming and oil bring forthing states have indicated that the construct of energy security is an elusive 1. There has been varied definitions for energy security runing from uninterrupted oil supplies at ‘reasonable monetary values ‘ to physical security of energy installations from break and really late an add-on to the definition is the ability to run into energy demands while equilibrating the environmental concerns of clime alteration extenuation. The ensuing consequence of so many definitions of energy security is that the appraisal of energy security non so straightforward. Different states depending on their ain peculiar fortunes step energy security otherwise hence doing the construct ‘self functioning ‘ . Literature has nevertheless identified some generalized factors as being the constituents of energy security in any state. Factors including: diverseness of energy supplies, degree of imports ; security of trade flows ; energy geopolitics ; portion of one peculiar fuel in the fuel mix ; market/price volatility and energy dependability, have been identified as utile for understanding energy security in any state. Energy insecurity no matter the cause consequences in welfare loss to society. Of all the causes of energy insecurity none is as politicized, relentless and permeant as fossil fuel resource concentration. The challenge of dodo fuel concentration is obvious from geological facts that grounds the skewed spread of fossil fuel sedimentations in certain parts in the universe. The of import inquiries that this paper seeks to reply are ; What are the causes of Energy insecurity? Can we divide the physical handiness and monetary value constituent of energy insecurity? How does fossil fuel concentration affect each constituent above every bit good as the energy insecurity job in general? How do we economically assess the public assistance deductions of energy insecurity due to fossil fuel concentration on an economic system? A careful survey of the issues raised above has been undertaken and it is hoped that the replies supplied in this paper would supply a clear counsel for policy shaper ‘s on the energy security deduction of fossil fuel concentration. Chapter one introduces the paper. Chapter two discusses the energy security challenge while concentrating on the unjust distribution of fossil fuels and the impact of menaces and Acts of the Apostless of terrorist act on energy security. Chapter three focal points on the measurings of fossil fuel concentration get downing with the methodological model of Herfindahl Hirshman Index ( HHI ) and ends with the more practical method suggested by Levefre. Chapter four focal points on the instance surveies get downing with why the pick of Japan and USA while so utilizing already calculated indexes and IEA informations to measure the ESPI for each fuel and ESPAI for gas in the command to gauge the impact to energy security of dodo fuel resource concentration and a projection is made for these two indexs to 2030 based on IEA mention scenario. Finally, chapter five concludes the paper.THE ENERGY SECURITY CHALLENGE2.1 WHAT CAUSES ENERGY INSECURITY?In the twenty-first century universe, many econo mic systems depend extremely on energy to drive industrialization and power their economic systems. The demand for fossil fuels ( oil, coal and natural gas ) in the modern car industry, power coevals, agribusiness, fabrication and virtually all facets of human life has made the handiness and regular ( uninterrupted ) supply of energy at low-cost monetary values a really of import policy end for most authoritiess[ 6 ]. However, since all states do non possess the same sum of resource sedimentations with their boundary lines, many states have had to trust on imports for run intoing their energy demands hence exposing such states to the menace of break in supply of energy as a consequence of the exogenic nature of supply. Furthermore, the menace of clime alteration and lifting temperature degrees has made the energy security challenge far more complex because it is no longer plenty pursue uninterrupted supply of energy but besides guarantee that it is done in an environmentally sustainable mode. Besides, the asymmetric spread of fossil fuel sedimentations in the universe has proven to be rather of import in the finding of fossil fuel trade good monetary values and the oil market in peculiar is peculiarly volatile as a consequence of this. This un-equal distribution of natural resources with the boundary lines of each state of the universe has created a planetary trade good market for oil, gas and coal but besides caused energy insecurity[ 7 ]. As pervading as the geo-politics of oil is, there is small research on the economic appraisal of energy security deduction of fossil fuel resource concentration due to the qualitative nature of political instability which has proven really hard to mensurate. This paper seeks to bridge this spread by supplying indexes that will capture the impact of political instability on monetary value and physical handiness constituents of energy security[ 8 ]2.2 THE INEQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY RESOURCESIEA ( 2009 ) reveals that fossil fuels together accounted for a sum of 81 % of the World primary energy demand in 2007. Oil demand is 33 % of entire and represents the largest portion with coal ( 27 % ) and Gas ( 21 % ) ranking 2nd and 3rd topographic point severally[ 9 ]. The inquiry now is what is the geographical distribution of these energy resources?[ 10 ]( See figure 1 below ) Harmonizing to Energy Information Agency ( EIA ) in 2005[ 11 ], the part that holds the universe ‘s largest proven militias of oil is the Middle East ( Approximately about 800billion barrels of proved militias of oil ) . In footings of proportion, over 65 % of the universes proven crude oil Militias are situated in the Middle East, approximately 78.2 % are located in Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) , 25 % are located in Saudi Arabia entirely and the Russian Federation histories for 5.7 % and is ranked as the following largest manufacturer outside OPEC ( See figure 2 below ) A more recent survey carried out in 2010 by the Institute Francias du Petrole ( IFP ) reveals the proven, possible probable and possible militias of oil around the universe and the Middle East remains dominant accounting for approximately 58 % of the universe proven militias of oil[ 12 ]. ( See figure 3 below ) A closer expression at the regional distribution of oil shows that 9 out of the 11 richest oil bring forthing states in the universe are located around the Caspian Sea Region a really volatile and conflict prone part marked by many wars and political instability[ 13 ]. The Chechenya struggle in Russia, the USA-Iraq invasion and the Niger delta agitation in Nigeria are some of the illustrations of such struggles to advert a few[ 14 ]. ( See figure 4 below ) . Natural gas militias are besides unevenly distributed by geographic part worldwide. From the figure below, most dominant part is the Middle East accounting for approximately 45 % of universes proved militias[ 15 ]. Until late due to transit restraints, the majority of gas had to be traded within the major geographical parts that possessed this resource. With the coming of LNG ( Liquefied Natural Gas ) , universe economic systems have witnessed the development of a truly planetary gas market. ( See figure 5 below ) The geographical distribution of coal militias nevertheless reveals a different image. Coal militias are reasonably equally distributed worldwide, but with a few dominant states Harmonizing to World Energy Council ( WEC ) study informations for about 70 states, One-third of coal militias is located in North America ( 29 % ) , dominated by the United States ; one-third in Eurasia ( 34 % ) , dominated by Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Serbia ; and one-third in Asia-Oceania ( 31 % ) , where the militias in China entirely are equal to the amount of the militias in India and Australia. Africa represents less than 5 % of the sum, with the majority of the coal wealth to be found in South Africa and South America holds merely 2 % of universe militias[ 16 ]. Proven militias of coal at year-end 2008 stood at an estimated 826 billion dozenss ( Gt ) , stand foring about 122 old ages of production at the current rate[ 17 ]. Regional production of coal nevertheless reveals the laterality of the Asia-pacific part ( 61 % ) with China and India playing a major function. North America produces 19 % ; Europe produces 14 % and the remainder of the universe ( 6 % )[ 18 ]. ( See figure 6 below )2.3 THREATS AND ENERGY INSECURITYThe skewed distribution of dodo fuel militias ( oil in specific ) has led to a battalion of differences throughout clip and history. Today, about 30 % of current struggles ( wars ) have been straight linked to oil[ 20 ]. More late acts of terrorist act by Al-Qaeda and attached Jihadist group have been targeted at Middle East Oil[ 21 ]. In 2002, a Gallic oil oiler ( Limbourg ) off the Yemen Coast was attacked with a suicide boat filled with explosives. Al-Qaeda besides attacked the Saudi port of Yanbu in 2003-2004, killing five applied scientists from the Western World. In 2006, a failed effort to assail the Abqaiq refinery took topographic point. The existent impact of these menaces asides its existent consequence on the monetary value of oil, is on the investor assurance in the degree of security, effectivity of jurisprudence enforcement establishments every bit good as the credibleness of political governments in topographic point in this states. The chief impacts with these Acts of the Apostless of force and sabotage on oil and gas installations are the attendant crisp monetary value swings that occur as a direct effect of decrease in capacity.Measurements OF FOSSIL FUEL CONCENTRATIONMethodologyThis starting point for mensurating the dodo fuel concentration ratio among parts is to mention to the work by Orris Herfindahl and Albert O. Hirshman[ 22 ]on the measuring of the grade of market concentration in an industry.3.1.1 THE HE RFINDAHL HIRSHMAN INDEXThe Herfindahl Hirshman Index is slackly known the grade of market concentration or a measuring of the size of a steadfast relation to the industry[ 23 ]. It provides indicant of the degree of competition between houses in an industry. Let us presume, Si is the market portion of an ith house, and so the Index is estimated by: Where S2i = market portion of an ‘ith ‘ house ( normally expressed as a per centum N = the figure of houses in the market The HHI recognises both the comparative size of the house every bit good as the figure of houses in the market. The utility of HHI to gauge fossil fuel concentration, lies in the fact that in an industry the figure is known and a weight commensurate to the market portion house is attached to each house to the ith ‘ house which when substituted into the expression gives an indicant of the degree of fight of the industry. The maximal value for HHI is 10000 reflecting a monopoly state of affairs and the lowest value is zero ( 0 ) as the market moves towards a perfect completion state of affairs[ 24 ]. ( See Figure 7 below )3.2. MEASURING THE PRICE IMPLICATION OF RESOURCE CONCENTRATION[ 25 ]The monetary value deductions of fossil fuel resource concentration can be broken into two constituents. The first portion is the Energy Security Market Concentration ( ESMC ) which is the grade of market concentration in each planetary dodo fuel market. The ESMC gives an indicant of the ‘ price hazard ‘ consequent to fossil fuel resource concentration. The 2nd portion is incorporated into an Energy Security Price Index ( ESPI ) that provides an appraisal of any given state ‘s degree of exposure to these monetary value hazards. The ESMC relies to a great extent on the work by Herfindhal Hirschman Index ( HHI ) , which is derived as the amount of the square of each market portion of all houses. Although, the planetary market for oil, coal, and gas market are considered individually, the providers ( market participants ) are assumed to be states instead than private houses. The ground for the focal point on states is because the authorities have control of the development of natural resources within their boundary lines. The inquiry of what the step of market portion should be used is besides really of import. Since unequal distribution of resources created the planetary market, the step of market portion of fossil fuels on ‘resources ‘ would be inappropriate. Market portion should non be based on production or exports but that excessively depends on monetary values and physical exports capacity. However, market portion based on net export seems good suited as it takes history of physical restrictions and the issue of whether states monetary value exports otherwise from domestic ingestion or non[ 26 ]. The ESMC for each dodo fuel type would hence be calculated utilizing the expression similar to the HHI and is given below: ESMC= a?‘ S2ifaˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( eqn 1 ) I Where Sif is the leaden portion of an single provider I in the planetary market for fuel degree Fahrenheit defined by its cyberspace export potency ( Sif varies from 0 to 100 ) . Valuess of ESMC vary from between 0, which suggests a close perfect competition state of affairs to 10,000 for a pure monopoly state of affairs. A fuel with a higher ESMC value implies a higher insecurity. Therefore since monetary value hazard is reflected in ESMC, the ‘price hazard calculated would be the same for any state. As a consequence, any state in the universe including Japan and the USA would confront the same monetary value hazards associated with resource concentration. In order to acquire a more accurate ESPI, some alterations has to be made on the ESMC to account for political instability. This is because political instability is important because fossil fuels as frequently geographically concentrated in politically sensitive parts like the Caspian Sea part for case which has been prone to many affraies. To account for political instability, the step of ESMC can be defined as ; ESMCpol= a?‘ ( ri * S2if ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( eqn 2 ) I Where Rhode Island is the political evaluation for the state ‘i ‘ which in this survey is the World Banks administration index on political instability[ 27 ]. ESMCpol therefore scopes from 0 to 30,000 where 0 indicates a perfect competition among states with the highest degree of political stableness and 30,000 indicates a pure monopoly of a state with the worst degree of political stableness[ 28 ]. ESMCpol for coal, oil and gas that would be used to cipher ESPI in the instance surveies presented in chapter 4 will be adopted for Levefre ‘s ( 2009 ) work.ENERGY SECURITY PRICE INDEX ( ESPI )After deducing the ESMC, the ESPI must so be estimated. The ESPI reflects the exposure of a given state to the monetary value hazards linked with resource concentration. The part of the state ‘s entire concluding primary energy supply exposed to each ESMCpol value must be calculated. The ESPI is hence calculated as ESPI= a?‘ ( ESMCpol~f * Ef/TPES ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( eqn 3 ) F Where ESMCpol-f is the ESMCpol value for peculiar dodo fuel degree Fahrenheit, Ef is the state ‘s supply exposed to the ‘price hazard ‘ of fuel degree Fahrenheit, and TPES is the state ‘s Entire Primary Energy Supply[ 29 ]. ESPI ‘s values ranges from 0 to 15000[ 30 ]MEASURING PHYSICAL AVAILABILITY IMPLICATIONS OF RESOURCE CONCENTRATIONENERGY SECURITY PHYSICAL AVAILABILITY INDEX ( ESPAI )The ESPAI is an Index which is relevant merely the gas market. In a state of affairs where the gas market is regulated, gas monetary values are non affected by the forces of demand and supply. Physical handiness hence becomes an of import security concern because demand is likely to transcend supply in a regulated government[ 31 ]. This is normally the instance in the European Union every bit good as Japan. In such state of affairss the flexibleness of gas substructures to suit strong on-peak demand determines the physical handiness hazard. During the winter months in early 2009, some parts of Europe experienced break in gas supply from Russia as a consequence of the Transit grapevine issue between Russia and Ukrain[ 32 ]. This is what happens when a state relies on merely one import grapevine for its domestic demands. Due to the comparative inflexibleness of grapevines, the physical handiness concerns are normally grapevine based imports of gas instead than LNG beginnings. The attack of measuring the ESPAI therefore is to gauge the portion of the state ‘s entire demand met by grapevine based gas imports procured through long term understandings as the ESPAI. The ESPAI can hence be expressed as ; ESPAI=Gasimp-pipe-regulated/TPES†¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ †¦ .. ( eqn 4 ) Where Gasimp-pipe-regulated is the supply of gas that is imported by grapevine based regulated contracts. ESPAI value ranges from 0 to 100. O is a state of affairs where there are no grapevine based imports ( LNG based imports ) or all purchases are made on competitory footings and 100 where the state is self sufficient in gas in the conjectural instance. The overall attack in this work with the inclusion of ESPAI is to mensurate the energy security deductions of fossil fuel concentration can be summarized as shown in Figure 8 below.WHY USA AND JAPAN?Oil is the lifeblood of the U.S. economic system[ 34 ]. America imports about 60 % of the oil it consumes, and harmonizing to 2005 estimations, approximately $ 680million is spent on oil imports per twenty-four hours[ 35 ]. Oil and natural gas monetary value additions in recent old ages has had a profound impact on U.S. concerns every bit good as on consumers in signifier of higher monetary values for goods[ 36 ]. However, since the U.S has the largest coal militias in the universe for any individual state, we shall non gauge and the ESPI for coal[ 37 ]. Japan is the 3rd largest consumer of fossil fuels in the universe but has its ain alone challenges. It is resource hapless and has to depend on imports for virtually all of it fossil fuel demands[ 38 ]. Figure 9 below shows Japans dependance on Middle East oil has grown from 73.2 % in 1973 to 86.4 % in 2007 with an all clip high of 89.9 % in 2006. Harmonizing to IEA, both states dependance on imported energy beginnings are really high. Japan ‘s energy imports rose from 81 % in 2005 to 96 % in 2006, an highly vulnerable energy supply construction[ 39 ]. America ‘s energy imports on the other manus rose from 29 % to 38 % between the same periods, a potentially vulnerable state of affairs.Beginning: IEA, Key Energy Statistics ( 2008 )Development OF ESMC ( 2004 – 2030 )In this subdivision, the attack detailed supra is applied to two OECD states, Japan and The United States of America ( U.S.A ) to measure the development of ESPI overtime. Country level informations gathered from IEA ( 2008 ) and projections from the World Economic Outlook ( 2008 ) mention scenario are used in the analysis[ 40 ]. ESMC[ 41 ]in the international oil market as estimated by Levefre is about 3700 in 2004 ( See Figure 12 ) , in the 2004 to 2010, ESMC drops somewhat before shiping on a uninterrupted rise to about 4800 in the 2004 to 2030 period stand foring an a 30 % addition between the 2004 to 2030 period[ 42 ]. 2030. The ESMCpol is about 8700 in 2004, and increases to about 11,400 by 2030. In the coal market, ESMC is about 1900 in 2004 and rises to 2300 by 2030 stand foring a 22 % growing ( See figure 13 below ) . ESMCpol is about 3000 in 2004, and rises to about 3700 in 2030, 62 % higher than ESMC. In the gas Market, the ESMC is about 2200 in a regionally constrained grapevine based gas market but when the displacement to a planetary gas market occurred, there was bead in ESMC value to shut to 1000 in 2010 and later increases to about 1100 by 2020 before making falling farther to 900 in 2030. ( See figure 13 ) ESMCpol is nevertheless 4800 in 2004, fell to1700 in 2030. Development OF ESPI JAPAN AND USA ( 2004 TO 2030 ) From figure 15 below, the development of Japan ‘s fuel mix from 1990 – 2030 shows the dominant function dodo fuels plays in the energy mix. By 2030, atomic portion would increase while fossil fuel portion would somewhat cut down. However, by 2030, Japan would still depend on fossil fuels for 80 % of its energy demands[ 43 ]. The fuel mix for the USA is similar to that of Japan bespeaking approximately 90 % dependance on fossil fuels in 2004 and falling to approximately 80 % in 2030 ( See figure 16 below )[ 44 ]. Consequences for the development of ESPI in Japan in presented in table 1 below. The ESI and the ESPAI are both based on informations collected from the IEA every bit good as assumed ESMCpol values from Levefre ( 2009 )[ 45 ] The get downing point was to gauge Ef for 2004 in Japan for all fuels ; it was found that Japan is extremely dependance on imports for its energy demands. The base old ages Ef was calculated and approximated so this computation was used to gauge an false Ef for the subsequent periods. For simpleness we would presume that 100 % of demand for oil is met through oil-indexed long-run contracts thereby exposing the entire oil demand to the oil market. Besides, we would presume 100 % exposure of coal to the market because it imports more coal than it presently domestically produces. While, it is 85 % exposed to the gas market due to the high dependance on LNG imports. For coal and oil, ESPI grew from 4133.51 to 6785.71 and 2640 to 3458 between the 2004 to 2030 period. Gas ESPI nevertheless fell from 4872 to 1433 could be due to a rapid development of the planetary market for gas. Due to the high dependance on oil in the USA, the Ef is besides calculated utilizing similar methods with Japan and for simpleness the false Ef is that the 100 % of demand for oil is met through oil-indexed long-run contracts thereby exposing the entire oil demand to the oil market. Besides, we would presume 5 % exposure of coal to the market because the USA has one of the largest coal militias in the universe. While, it is 20 % of gas demand is exposed to the gas market due to the LNG imports. For coal and oil, ESPI grew from 943 to 1293 and 27 to 87 between the 2004 to 2030 period. Like Japan, Gas ESPI besides fell from 118.40 to 93 in the period ( See table 2 above ) . Summarily, the ESPI fell from 11645 in 2004 to 9924 in 2015 and rose once more to 11678 in 2030 reflecting Japan is extremely vulnerable to Price hazards as a consequence of dodo fuel concentration. The ESPI for USA besides followed the same form although lower than that of Japan doing the USA besides vulnerable but in a better place than Japan. The value for ESPi ranges from 0 to 15000. The 2004-2030 period depicts a common tendency demoing the comparative importance of oil market hazard on energy security. The instance is more marked for Japan due to its energy hapless province. However the autumn in ESPI for gas reflects the demand to quickly heighten the development of the gas market. ( See figure 17 for the comparisons between Japan and USA ‘s ESPI )ESPAI IN JAPAN AND USA ( 2004 )Japan is the big natural gas consumer and must trust on imports for virtually all of its natural gas demands because its deficiencies international grapevine connexion. Today Japan is the largest importer of liquified natural gas ( LNG ) in the universe and presently histories for about 40 per centum of planetary LNG imports[ 47 ]. This makes it un-necessary to gauge the ESPAI because it has no grapevine contracts. ( See figure 18 below for top LNG importers in the universe ) The USA besides has limited trust on imports for its gas demands. In 2004, ESPAI is 0.1 picturing really low exposure to physical handiness of gas. ( See figure 19 )Restriction OF THIS RESEARCHThe WEO projections in the mention scenario is simply a projection of the hereafter and like any prognosis, it is capable to fluctuations therefore it must be noted that it is non an accurate prognosis of the hereafter. The major purpose of this work was to show how the attack detailed in subdivision 3 may work. However, for more formal analysis, a more accurate informations set should be used and a scenario based attack which would bring forth a sensitiveness analysis must besides be undertaken, which was non include in this surveyDecisionCAN ENERGY INSECURITY DUE TO FOSSIL FUEL CONCENTRATION BE REDUCED? The energy security challenge would go on to be a topical issue in economic, political and scientific arguments in the universe over. From the findings in this paper, the USA and Japan are presently in a vulnerable place with regard to energy security. They must therefore actively pursue policies that will better their current place. Although, fossil fuels concentration in surely creates exposure of to monetary value and physical handiness hazards, it is still unrealistic to propose an straight-out boycott of the planetary market. However, the current energy security state of affairs can still be improved in the average term every bit good as long term end by actively prosecuting variegation of their fuel blend off from fossil fuels to renewable energies that can be domestically produced[ 48 ].
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Rural Urban Migration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rural Urban Migration - Essay Example Misra (1998) observes that those who migrate are often male who are young and better educated. Pull factors on the other hand, attract the population to big cities or destination area. Developed and developing countries are impacted differently by the migration pattern though some aspects are similar. The paper will discuss the push and pull factors as well as the impact of migration on areas of origin and destination DCs and LDCs. Push Factors These are unfavorable conditions in rural areas that push people to migrate to urban areas. According to Watson (2004), people move to urban areas so as to improve their lives. Many rural people depend on agriculture for survival. However, the agricultural sector is faced with many challenges such as drought, famine and floods leading to poor harvest. There are also inadequate agricultural jobs thereby pushing people to look for jobs elsewhere. Structural adjustment programs result in heavy debts for developing countries thus encouraging gover nments to displace people and offer the farms to large enterprises for production and resource extraction thereby pushing local people to move (Datta, 2003). Lack of basic social amenities and recreation facilities pushes people to big cities where such amenities are available. These include; poor education, lack of quality health care, transport and communication. Higher education is often found in big cities. People move there to have better education and enjoy better living standards (Twumasi, 1995). Lack of clean water supply, poor sanitation and drainage systems push people to get better services available in cities. Inadequate income pushes people to big cities. Varieties of occupations are found in urban areas; rural areas depend mainly in agriculture which doesn’t offer adequate income. Rural people also do not possess necessary skill to perform a job and formal employment is limited. Income is thus inadequate to feed the large families they have. Persuasion by contra ctors and agents also enhances the migration. They move with them to cities in promise of better benefits and to search for a livelihood (Misra, 19998). Pull Factors These represent the attractive attributes of big cities that pull people. The wage gap between rural and urban areas whereas wages are higher in urban areas pull migrants to the city. They have high expectations of getting a well paying job. Formal and informal jobs are also available hence they work in informal settings while awaiting formal job. Besides industries are concentrated in urban areas hence attracting the rural population (Srichar et al. 2010). Availabilities of public services and social amenities in big cities attract mass population. In big cities, there is access to education and high quality health care. There are also recreational facilities that make life in the city exciting (Birmingham, 2000). Those who travel to cities and come back to rural areas for holiday or to visit their families show signs of wealth or extravagance which makes the rural people to follow their example. They form a network whereby the extended family follows the migrant to the city to enjoy city life and its benefits. Effects of Rural-Urban Migration The movement of people from rural to urban areas of both developed (DCs) and developing countries (LDCs) has adverse effects.Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
Operations Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Operations Management - Assignment Example simulation of safety engineering, training, education process, video gaming and technology for the purposes of optimizing performance. To study simulation models computer experiments are used. At advanced level simulation is used with scientific modeling of human systems and natural systems to enable researchers to gain full insight of these human and other natural systems. In addition, simulation can be used to indicate the eventual real effects of some alternative courses and conditions of action. This operation process is also used where real systems are not applicable since they are not accessible or they are not acceptable to be used (Greasley, 2004) There are several softwares that are used in simulation process as an operation process in companies and other institutions. These softwares are classified into two major categories open source software and proprietary software. Open source software include ASCEND, DWSIM, Sage and GNU Octave. The proprietary softwares include Arena software, AMESIM and APmonitor (Buckley, 2005) In this report the simulation software used to carry out the operation analysis of the discrete-event model is the Arena software. Arena is a discrete event automation and simulation software that was developed by Systems Modeling and was acquired by Rockwell Automation in the Year 2000. This software uses the SIMAN processor and simulation language. In this software the user must build an experiment model through placing models that show the logic or processes. Lines are used to join or connect these modules together, as well as, showing the flow of different entities. The modules have specific actions compared to flow, entities and timing. The precise representation of these modules and entities relative to real life objects depends on the decision of the modeler. Using this software statistical data like work in progress and cycle time levels are outputted and recorded as reports. This software is integrated with Microsoft technologi es such as visual basic for applications for further automation in cases where specific algorithms are required (Altiok & Melamed, 2007). The software also supports importation of Microsoft Visio flowcharts. Moreover, the software allows outputting to or reading from excel spreadsheets, as well as, access databases. Problem description The problems that the Arena software is used to solve in this report are problems of determining the breakeven point, total cost incurred before breakeven point, the profit earned by the company at a given units of product sold of a given company and also the determination of point of indifference in production. This report uses two case studies that are analyzed using the Arena software. In the first case the company is considering to add a new line of production, which requires leasing new equipment for a monthly payment of ?6,000. The company’s variable costs would be ?2 per unit and they would sell for ?7 each. The company’s manageme nt needs to determine the number of units needed to be sold in order to break-even. Secondly, the company would like to determine the profit or loss it will make if 1,000 units are made and sold in a month. Thirdly, the company needs to know the number of pies it requires to sell in order to realize a profit of ?4,000. Finally, the company would like to know if it sells 2,000 units, and the profit target is ?5,000, then what price it should
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Does a government imposed price control provide an efficient market Term Paper
Does a government imposed price control provide an efficient market - Term Paper Example This effect is long-term as the elasticity of supply is high and the availability of the product is being rationed by price, eventually black market arises to compensate this shortage. This is a clear indication that the government intervention has reduced the efficiency of the market and created new market failure characteristics like the emergence of a black market where goods and services evade tax through smuggling in addition to violation of several other rules of the trade (Mises, 197-248). On the other hand, price floors raise the equilibrium price for they are set at minimum. These price floors are inclusive of reduced wages and agricultural marketing boards. On condition that the price floors bind, then they will definitely decrease the amount of goods in demand and increase the quantity which is being supplied. Eventually this will create a surplus in the market and thus lower the prices below the equilibrium price. Economists argue that lowered wage laws may subsequently result to increased levels of unemployment and this phenomenon mostly affects the youth as business units often offer high wages (Riesman, 35-78). A free market is a market where the equilibrium price is controlled by forces of demand and supply. When a tax is imposed on such a market; there emerges a difference between supply and demand prices and the equilibrium is disrupted and this results to a tax wedge. When a tax has been imposed on any transaction in then market, the resulting difference between the demand and the supply price is commonly referred to as the tax wedge. Taxes are mandatory payments to the government from the society and they have substantial influence on the normal market trends; basically of the buying and the selling price difference (Mises, 327-361). In a competitive market which is devoid of these price regulations from the government, the equilibrium price is
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Strategic Management Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Strategic Management Analysis - Essay Example The selection of this company is largely based upon the well known Thomas Cook brand, which is practically synonymous with packaged vacations as well as specific vacation related financial services and products. Additionally the company’s publicized commitment to a sustainable approach both to and within the tourism sector and destinations deserves the due recognition and is furthermore one of the factors for the selection of the Thomas Cook Group. The Thomas Cook Group, as a company per se, was established in 1841 by Thomas Cook who at the time was a providing excursions for fellow temperance members and campaigners and is credited with marketing the first private excursion train (Williamson 1998). This therefore makes the company almost 170 years old, which can certainly be seen as an asset in the view of competing travel related companies and service providers within the broader tourism industry. According to the latest annual report (Thomas Cook 2009) provided by the company the staff compliment is in excess of 31,000 people, catering to over 22 million customers, and in turn generating revenue in 2009 of  £9.3 billion. In addition to offering travel, travel related, packaged travel, and financial services in the broader travel sector, the company operates 95 aircraft, predominantly operating within and from the country of Germany in Europe. In so far as geographic location and representation is concerned, the group is r epresented by company owned and franchised stores in 5 geographic regions, within 21 different countries. The Thomas Cook Group has certainly grown over the years, and it appears that sound strategic management has been at the center of this growth, based largely upon acquisitions and mergers to access specific sectors of the tourism market. The analysis of the business’ history and timeline so to speak provides valuable insight into specific strategically related process, and management decisions within the group as it in turn allows us
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Job study (IT) Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Job study (IT) - Research Proposal Example The rainy days took away around 78,000 jobs in UK only. Today the IT requirement has clearly been categorized as special specialized IT jobs and IT enabled jobs. IT is more used as a generic term for professionals. The core IT companies address to areas like Project Management, Systems Design and Analysis, Software Coders/ Programmers, Database Administrator, Web Designer, Information System manager, GIS Managers etc. The IT User companies are most of the non-IT companies, who are using IT as a tool. A manufacturing unit is a classic example of IT User Company, who might use even an ERP, but uses IT as a tool for their business. The widely fast-growing segment is BPO (voice and non-voice), who are treated mainly as IT-enabled Company. IT jobs require a lot of personal attributes also, like attitude, intention of working as a team, motivation level, flexibility to learn, willingness of accepting challenges etc. Most of all your inspirations and aspirations. The future trend of skill requirement in IT companies are Unix, C, C++, Oracle, SQL, Java, .Net technology, Web Server, PHP Some of the Expert Support companies are Accenture, IBM or Logica. Oracle, Satyam, Sun, Infosys are some example of Software development companies The ERP specialists are Microsoft business solution, Oracle, SAP, and SSA Global. Rapid Change in technology has become a concern for many companies and they have started feeling the need of training people as per their project requirements. Companies are even recruiting non-computer engineers with high aptitude as Management trainees and imparting various training to them to make them project ready professionals. You will also find reputed institutes are offering...We have used the keywords for searching like Trend in IT, Job Opportunities in IT, Growth of IT in 2006 etc. We have also visited the sites of the Global IT companies and various job sites for research and data collection. The core IT companies address to areas like Project Management, Systems Design and Analysis, Software Coders/ Programmers, Database Administrator, Web Designer, Information System manager, GIS Managers etc. The IT User companies are most of the non-IT companies, who are using IT as a tool. A manufacturing unit is a classic example of IT User Company, who might use even an ERP, but uses IT as a tool for their business. IT jobs require a lot of personal attributes also, like attitude, intention of working as a team, motivation level, flexibility to learn, willingness of accepting challenges etc. Most of all your inspirations and aspirations. You will also find reputed institutes are offering "Project ready professional" training to bridge the gap between Universities and Industry Requirements. Several institutes are offering "technical skill" training. You may start at a lower level, which doesn't matter at all provided you get the right exposure and proper experience, because the salary hike in IT is directly proportionate to your experience and skill enhancement.
Monday, September 23, 2019
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis Research Paper
A Rose for Emily Critical Analisis - Research Paper Example Even though Emily commits the gruesome murder of Homer Baron, her lover, she must be excused on account of her powerlessness to rid herself of the imposed personality. In sum, Emily’s character and actions are born out of external influences over which she has no control. Outline I Nature of Emily’s relationship with her father II Character traits of Mr. Grierson Class consciousness Patriarchal nature III Grierson’s influence on Emily’s personality IV Murder of Homer Baron V Conclusion Analysis Emily spends most of her adult life by her father’s side. Her father objects to all endeavors by eligible suitors to marry Emily partly due to the pride of class. The Griersons had considered themselves as occupying a privileged position in the society (Ruthmann 56). They did not wish to make any kind of acquaintances with the townspeople because of the divide on matters of class. As a result of this, Emily had learnt to accept her father as the only relevant companion in her life. After her father’s death, and later after the disappearance of Homer, she remained in solitude, â€Å"After her father’s death she went out very little; after her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all†(Faulkner 12). It might be necessary to examine Mr. Grierson’s character in light of its possible influences on Emily. Grierson is portrayed as a domineering father with a strong character and irreconcilable aversion to common people. He is a man who could not compromise his social status and perspectives for ordinary things. As the only man in Emily’s world, he imparted these lopsided views on the young woman thus converting her into an antisocial individual. Mr. Grierson created a private mental universe in which he could live out his fantasies of class supremacy and patriarchal prejudices. He forced his daughter to share in this world and the two adopted a bird’s eye view on the society, which they regar ding in particularly demeaning terms. Mr. Grierson desired to convert her daughter into a super-human individual that could exist beyond the touch of all that was ordinary. It was precisely because of these delusions of grandeur that he disallowed Emily to marry the many suitors that came her way, â€Å"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such†(Faulkner 34). This would be the beginning of the unnatural feelings of necrophilia that would later demolish the citadel of grandeur in which she had been forced into by a patronizing Grierson. Emily shares a single mind with her father and appears ready to continue this union to the physical level. Her refusal to admit the reality of her father’s death and the three days reluctance to release the corpse for burial offers strong hints at the kind of physical bond, which she had nurtured towards her father. Her father was the singular point of reference in her life of social exclusion and represented the only essence of affection and company, which she could truly relate to. With his demise, Emily’s life lost all meaning. Naturally, Emily might have fought off her genuine feelings of love and compassion in an effort to stay the course on which her father had placed her. She sacrificed her individuality and sense of self with the intention of walking the straight and narrow established by her overbearing father. The force of patriarchy, which her father so brazenly embodied, would later fend off all forms
Sunday, September 22, 2019
New Revenue Streams for the National Maritime Museum Essay Example for Free
New Revenue Streams for the National Maritime Museum Essay Bishoff and Allen (2004) state that â€Å"most cultural heritage institutions are mission driven; their primary purpose is to support and promote the public good. †Just as The National Maritime Museum mission statement is â€Å"to illustrate for everyone the importance of sea, ships, time and stars and their relationship with people†. Swan (2012), explained in her presentation that â€Å"this is the largest maritime museum in the world which attracted 2. 45 million visitors in 2010 /2011 and 709. 000 visitors just at the National Maritime Museum alone†. Museum is the place for learning, education and socialisation. Sources that contribute to museums’ earned revenue include admission, gift shop, memberships, facility rentals and other variety of sources like private sector. Essentially, any product or service that is offered by the museum generates income. There is another form of revenue which is classified as unearned revenue. The main sources of unearned revenue are fundraising through individual donations and grants through any level of government. Hiring museum facilities for an event or filming is the best form of revenue. In order for the museum to remain financially viable earned revenues should be a fundamental part of the budget planning. There should be a dedicated team which is able to brain storm and look for new ways in how to contribute new revenue streams. Museum can be interesting to visit once if displays and exhibitions are not changed. As well as interactions and special events has to accommodate demand. Bearing in mind seasons, half term holidays or summer holiday is a good way start looking into additional revenue. Museum need to be creative and come to a problem from many angles at once. Advertising is an important revenue stream for helping businesses reach exactly the customers they want and increase value. Advertising can be through local newspapers at the whole Royal of Greenwich council and as well Lewisham council which is situated close by. Another form of advertising is to reach schools as through educational interest and possibility to cater this need. The leaflet or informational package can be distributed to local nurseries, primary and secondary schools. There is a pdf file available at Google website so hard copy must be available too. Another form of advertising is to develop or contribute to already existing mobile phone software application otherwise called an app. To develop the application can be costly but if the best interaction outcome can be achieved this could be the next step to advertise and market the museum. As Cooper (2012) spoke that†the task is to drive all sales and further interaction through website and media team is looking for new ways. †Smart mobile phones are widely used and are playing big part towards communication and interaction. It can serve businesses in local community and if new application is developed people will pay for it use and that is a new potential revenue stream. Another way to bring foot to the museum is to develop an additional source of technical interaction. As technology is spreading fast museums and other historical organizations need to follow new trends in order to be fashionable and appeal to various demographics. Swan (2012) showed in her presentation a ? 30 million re-development plan which was completed in 2011. With new entrance, substantial space for special exhibitions, an archive centre and upgraded visitor facilities this museum will appeal to wider audience due to his architecture and modern external look. The benefits in finishing re-development before Olympic Games 2012 give a possibility to welcome more visitors. This new entrance at the other end of the building will contribute towards visitor numbers as their will not need to walk all around to the font building to enter. To follow new technology is a good way to look into the future. One of the ways it can be done is through QR code which would be displayed next to the collected historical item. QR code online application would allow explore information via mobile phone or any other form of computerised equipment. QR codes are probably the newest version in delivering information and are most popular and flexible to use. Most businesses and individuals can interact with the museum due to their need in marketing campaigns through this premises or education. Audio guides who would deliver tour in few foreign languages as tourists are contributing highly in visitor numbers. Cooper (2012) said that Americans, Japanese, Russian, Chinese and Europeans are coming by coach in big groups, so additional language is seen as must have. Audio guides would contribute to better history understanding and at the same time there would be full interaction while at the museum. Without an additional language audio guides’ foreign visitors are not fully exploring the museum message. As this maritime museum is one of the largest in the world customer expectations are not achieved. Although Spanish, Russian, Arabic and other foreign languages can be found at the official website. For the museum to survive, their need to think of new sources of the revenue streams to obtain income. The National Maritime Museum has many activities based on educational and informational need. The interesting would be to find out how many schools are aware that this particular museum is providing interactive activities. The same would apply to local residence with young children. There are so many things to explore and do at the museum but people think that this is a place where they can get in touch with heritage by looking and reading at the displays. The museum is not the place to visit only on the rainy day. The National Maritime Museum is a very welcoming place and vide range of information can be found on their website. There is as well an interactive part were children with an adult help can make various things like sea monster mask or globe. Many interesting tasks in â€Å"Make your own†can be done at home but for the children of age 5-8 parents’ interaction would be needed. While further looking how this could be brought in to a promises the idea came to mind. Rather than having the tool in making mask or globe on line children could be doing it at the museum. There are no complicated tools or objects involved in the process and children would not be proud in taking an item home and sharing with their friends or siblings. This would as well show to parents that the museum is not just about looking at the material collected. Children at the age of 5-8 are particular excited in showing their achievements. The National Maritime Museum holds pirate day every Wednesday and Friday and there are six sessions between both days. This shows that there is an interest for schools to organise trips and bring children were they can become pirates for the day. Young boys and girls are very interested in pirates. As their imagination is full of excitement it can be further broadened by inviting them to dress up as pirate. Dressing up as a pirate would give them enjoyment and feeling that they are real characters. They can as well learn how to talk like the pirate or scrub the deck, a very hands on attraction. To achieve additional revenue to the museum, hiring the dressing up clothes could be beneficial. An example would be that just ? 2 of charge could bring around ? 120 a week and total annual revenue is more than ? 6000. This is of course if 60 children would come to this activity within the week. The dressing up outfits is not high in price and can be purchased at one of the local party shops. As pirate outfit can be urchased for around ? 15 so expenditure can be recovered in few months’ time. Another follow up using the same dressing up outfits is an idea which is designed especially for young pirates. Pirate children birthday parties can be educational and fun. While dressing up in pirate and exploring the interactive children’s gallery session and pirate treasure trail, children could have memorable event. There is Maritime History show once a week, which takes 45 minutes and cost ? 45 for up to 30 children. So ? 2 charge for costume hire will not be seen as an expensive addition to a day out. Those dressing up costumes can be used further by inviting children to have they birthday party at the museum. Providing birthday party package for the fixed price would bring additional revenue. Package would include invitations, pirate costume, packed lunch and beverage which can be served at the garden as picnic or at the premises at the upper deck depending on the weather and time of day. And cake which is a must have for every birthday party. Children birthday parties would need to be pre-booked as many birthday parties are taking place on the weekends and as Swan (2012) informed that Sunday is the busiest day a week. The National History Museum in London is providing similar services were children can experience the museum in the night. This idea is probably taken from the popular blockbuster movie â€Å"The Museum at Night†. There are not many places in the surrounding area to hold children birthday party which would appeal to wide age spectrum and provide educational as well as fun time. Ticketed entrance to a special exhibition. Museums often undervalue and under-price what they offer. Activities to under 5 years old This interaction would welcome local community people, to visit museum and see it as a place to learn and meet others. Many children and they guardians look for activities for children under 5. At this age they are interested in meeting new friends and learning new skills. So children who are not taken to nurseries or who has not yet started primary school need to interact and learn new ways in communicating and exploring the world which surround us. Special events with character appearances will contribute to visitor number. The museum already holds a music and dance activity for children under five. 30 minute interactive hand clapping and singing could be more fun if character appeared to read the book. This museum has flexibility in providing books about the sea, ships and stars which is their mission statement. The books can be covering educational aspect. As museum already has new library added to it, this to children gives flexibility to provide grate chance to introduce and develop historical skill. Information about people and their relationship with the sea and stars could be an inspiring experience and opportunity to broaden their knowledge. As from my own visit at one of those music and dance activity few years ago I remember that it was far too short and overcrowded by number of mums and children. Many parents spend 30 minutes on their journey to come and have another 30 minutes of fun. Younger children can lose interest and get board after long singing, but for older 4 to 5 years old this activity is too short. My thought on this would be to introduce art and craft activity. This is good way in teaching eye and hand coordination and children have something to take home. The art and craft activities can as well have a small monetary charge or donation, which would allow getting material needed. 3D crafts would teach children how to build ships or stars. The opportunity of 3D imaging can make all of these areas of museum activity a much richer experience. Historical images and written descriptions are not appealing to every child who is entering museum. So another way to attract interest in exploring history is through showing video footage. An example would come from five most popular collections of â€Å"Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, 1758-1805 or The Return to Amsterdam of the Second Expedition to the East Indies on 19 July 1599†. Short visual video footage, in form of cinema, would provide feelings through history and symbolism of navigation and safety. And if that could be achieved through 3D visual experience it would provide even better understanding and give the feeling like they are actually involved at the battle. It would provide information why we need to look after the sea and why it is important. Utilize high school students as part of their work-term experience. Contact schools to encourage high school students to gain work experience through volunteering at the museum. Setting up a program of this kind could produce a predicable stream of volunteers and may decrease the need for paid staff. Book day Adult evening at The National Maritime Museum Drawing and painting classes are popular in terms of hobby or free time activity for adults. This would provide excursions to the Queens House and then take place at the upper deck at Maritime museum This is a good link in connecting art and history together. Adult only activities would need to be pre booked and would have small fee charge in order to provide equipment and tools needed in holding painting classes.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Qualitative Research Proposal Essay Example for Free
Qualitative Research Proposal Essay For my field research observation site I chose the flea market (la pulga) located in Alamo, Texas. I chose this specific site because in our Mexican American culture families tend to go there to buy cheap merchandise. Although many people go there many of the things they buy there can or is related to crime. I chose this flea market because it is close to home and there are usually a high number of people there during the weekends. There were a number of issues with this place, but there were two who stood out above the rest. The main points were: do people realize that by buying certain objects they are committing a crime, and also is law enforcement doing anything to prevent these types of crimes from happening. There are mainly two types of individuals who go to these places. The first types of people who go to these places are mainly Mexican American. There is not one age group that stands out above the rest since Mexican American groups. Mexican American individuals tend to visit these places as a family. The second types of people are mainly Winter Texans. A rough estimate from my observation would be that Winter Texas are 30% middle aged (45-60), and 70% elderly. Winter Texans mainly go as couples and are usually there just pass time; Mexican Americans on the other hand are there because they want to buy cheap objects. Research Question or Topic My research questions are: 1. Are people well informed that purchasing pirated DVDs is a crime? 2. What is law enforcement doing to prevent these crimes from happening? Literature Review Bibliography One of the academic journals I found out to be possibly the most interesting out of my whole research was the one dealing with the piracy of CDs/DVDs. This journal does not only talk about the piracy of media, but also about the replicator, the user, and the technology used. It explains how the replicator uses computer software to copy the media and how it gets to the market from there. It talks about the types of users who buy the product and it also talks about the technology being enforced to make it harder and in some cases impossible for the replicator to create a copy of the media. Even though this journal is out there it still seems that some people are unaware of the consequences with the replication of this media, and also the problem it can cause in our society. One of the main points the article describes is whether copy-protection work or not. The answer to this question is that there is copy protection on DVDs which makes it harder for anyone to copy media, but since pirates (replicators) don’t play by the rules there are still some ways to bypass the copy-protection. Research done in this journal- 1. Copyright 2. Product Counterfeiting 3. Manufacturing Processes 4. Anti-counterfeiting Measures 5. Replicators 6. Users of the Pirated DVDs The second article I found is called Factor that Influence the Piracy of DVD/VCD Motion Pictures. Basically the title says what the article is about. It explain some of the major factors that cause people to burn these DVDs, and factors that cause people to buy them. The article says that people tend to buy these DVDs because of the cost benefit. This means that people are getting DVDs way cheaper than if you were to go and buy the real one at an actual store. The author’s findings are also used to support the social norms used to make an effort to stop the piracy of this media. Research done in this article- 1. Copyright Infringement 2. Pirated Video Recordings 3. Piracy 4. Empirical Research 5. Motion Picture Industry 6. Bootlegging and Methodology aspects The last article I read was talking about the structure about an American flea market. There are differences between flea markets up North and flea markets here in the valley. One of the most obvious differences would be the people that go to the flea markets. The article talks about the types of people that go to the flea market. It talks about the economic effect a flea market has on society. It talks about the behaviors of the buyers and sellers in a flea market. The research in this article was done by surveys across different flea markets and on the consumers in those flea markets. Not only were these studies done on U.S. flea markets they were also done on different countries for example Mexico. Research done in this article – 1. Flea Markets 2. Marketing 3. Case Studies 4. Economic Activity 5. Consumer Behavior 6. Business Cycle 7. Sociocultural Factors My Three Sources Block, D. (1997), CD?DVD/piracy:the replicator, the user, and the technology. Emedia Professional, 10, 92. Chih-Chein, W. (2005). Factors that Influence the Piracy of DVD/VCD Motion Pictures. Journal Of American Academy Of Business, Cambridge, 6(1), 231-237. Sherry Jr., J. F. (1990). A Sociocultural Analysis of a Midwestern American Flea Market. Journal Of Consumer Research, 17(1), 13-30 Research Design Step 1 Prepare myself by doing some background research on the site I am preparing to observe. Be prepared for anything that may come my way, and be prepared for opportunities that may arise while doing my research. I need to go organized and possibly focus on one point of interest. Need to prepare my looking and listing skills since they are essential for any field researcher. Go prepare to do constant writing since it is one of the most useful way of recording data. Step 2 Gain access to enter the observation site, in my case I don’t think it is a problem since it is open to the public. Other sites have different important sections but in a flea market everything is together so I just have to worry about getting inside. I need to get involved in normal activities to make myself unnoticeable and look like an everyday customer. Perhaps buy merchandise or other things regular customers do. Step 3 By looking as a customer I can build trust with the people working in this area, and this way they can go on doing their job like they normally do, and this can help me observe them in their normal working routine. Step 4 While walking around the site I can record anything I find to be deviant or criminal, in my case I found the distribution of illegal DVD copies. I’ll observe from afar, learn and record anything else. I have to make my findings very detailed this way I don’t miss anything of importance that can later help me answer my question, and this way I won’t have to return for small doubts I may have. Record any conversations I may have had with any of the people there. Step 5 Finally after I am done gathering data I just exit the observation site I just exit the site and start compiling my data. Step 6 After putting my data and getting a better understanding of my observation site. With a better understanding of what happens in the site I will be able to put together a detailed survey or interview questions. Of course the survey or interview will be anonymous and have to make sure the customer knows this. You need to make the customer know that the research is anonymous because if not the person might put false data and the data will be inaccurate. Step 7 After conducting all my research I can put together a conclusion and determine what it means. I’ll ask myself questions for example did I find the answer my questions, was my hypothesis correct, and is there more research to be done. The conclusion has to be precise this way if a person is interested in the same topic they will have all the information they need. Step 8 This is how will conduct my research and hopefully get a good grade on this assignment, if not I will need some research on how I can do better.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Role Of Leadership And Change Management Essay
The Role Of Leadership And Change Management Essay Key to evolution of an Organization is how well it can adapt to changes be it structural or financial. A good leadership plays a pivotal role in such transitions and will often be the most influential aspect in such changes being implemented successfully. Considering the fact that both Organizational Change and Leadership are very widely defined, for the purpose of the essay I would like to use the following definitions, Leader is a person with vision, energy, authority, and strategic direction ref: (Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, 2000), Organizational Change is the process of continually renewing an organizations direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers- ref: (Moran and Brightman, 2001). Change is one of challenges an organization can face. It, being a continuous process, dealing successful with it is critical to an organizations success- ref: (Kudray and Kleiner, 1997), and certain management levers, such as, strategy, operations, should be constantly altered for the organization to be aligned with the market place. Having said that, it is also very important to critically identify the needed change within the organization. If a certain change is identified as a pivotal one for the growth of the organization, it is also important to consider how the change will be received by the people who will be a part of it. Resistance in our context is opposing to the change. Resistance is very likely with-in the team when the importance of the change is not know. There are various known reasons for someone to resist the change. Some of which are job insecurity and the fear of losing the power. There are existing theories which say that resistance is good and it is related to the individual identity and organizational values. Despite of being a time consuming process, it is very important to overcome resistance to implement the change successfully. Lewins 3 step model for change, Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze: ref ( Lewin, 1951) is considered to be there mother of all change models. The point here was to have organizations prepare initially to ease the process of the change in order to overcome resistance. It has been argued upon, that this theory might not be holding good for the current day situation, as organizations are constantly changing and they will never be having the opportunity to refreeze or attain the new state of equilibrium. Kotters 8 Step Model, ref: ( Kotter, J , 1995) also talks about implementing a change within the organization but considering the present day needs and situation. This model tries to address the developed resistance in the implementation on the change. An effective leadership will always try and overcome resistance and help successfully implement the change, which need not be a top down approach. For a change to be accepted, Nahvandi (2003), believes that you need to first motivate those in y our guiding collation or transformational leadership team. This, per him, is the best achieved through inspiration of the team, which enables them to enact change. Transformational leadership includes inspiring them with a charm and charisma, challenging the team to solve the problems rather than we doing it ourselves and developing personal relationship with each one of them. A combination of these 3 attributes is the best known vehicle to overcome resistance. ref( Nahvandi, 2003). Transformational leadership is that which à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ facilitates a redefinition of a peoples mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. It is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents. Hence, transformational leadership must be grounded in moral foundations. ref(Leithwood, as cited in Cashin et al., 2000, p.1) . According to Bass (1990b, p. 21) transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and when they stir employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group. Success of transformational leadership has been demonstrated by studies in diverse settings such as schools, corporations etc. -ref(Bryant, 2003, p. 36).Also there are existing studies to prove the effectiveness of transformational leadership regardless of culture ref:(Perttula Xin,2005) . Per Carlson and Perrewe (1995, p. 834), as a result of transformational leadership, changes in the organizations mission, strategy, and subordinate commitment levels are very likely to emerge. Also, Odom and Green (2003) argue that principles of transformational leadership (i.e., intellectual stimulation, idealized influence) applied to ethical dilemmas faced by managers offers the prospect of less litigation and better ethical outcomes than the more common transactional approach to ethics. Though Transformational Leadership is the latest buzz word, there have been many people in the past who have demonstrated the traits of this form of leadership. For instance, Genghis Khan was a transformational leader who, during the late 12th and early 13th centuries, united fiercely independent Mongol tribes to ultimately create one of the largest land empires ever seen ref(Yates, 2002). Lee Iacocca is a transformational leader who is credited with saving the Chrysler Corporation. He took over Chrysler when it was on the brink of bankruptcy and set about transforming the ideals of his closest subordinates. In turn, that began to reshape the corporations culture. Because a transformational leader encourages others to becomes transformational leaders, soon the entire organization was filled with effective leaders (Kelly, 2003). Within military and government contexts, General Colin Powell overcame entrenched racism (particularly in the US military) and low institutional expectations of African Americans to become chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1989. He went further, becoming in 1991 the first African American to become US Secretary of State, a position some said he filled with vision and the qualities of a transformational leader (Chekwa, 2001). Other transformational leaders include Christine Nixon, the current Police Chief Commissioner in the Australian state of Victoria, who is popularly understood to have transformed the culture of that police force for the good, and Sir Richard Branson, responsible for international Virgin enterprises (Lussier Achua, 2004). These are positive examples of transformational leaders but as critics (e.g., Yukl, 1989) point out, transformational leadership is not without its dark side and other flaws. The morality of transformational leadership has been questioned, especially by libertarians and organizational development consultants (Griffin, 2003). A key criticism is that within it transformational leadership has potential for the abuse of power (Hall, Johnson, Wysocki Kepner, 2002). Leaders here, motivate followers by engaging them to strong beliefs, irrespective of the effects on them .Transformational leaders can exert a very powerful influence over followers, who offer them trust and respect. Some leaders may have narcissistic tendencies, thriving on power and manipulation. Moreover, some followers may have dependent characters and form strong and unfortunate bonds with their leaders: ref- (Stone, Russell and Patterson, 2003, p. 4). Yukl describes this as the dark side of charisma and goes on to note that for every example of a positive transformational leader demonstrating charismatic qualities (e.g., Mohandas [Mahatma] Gandhi), there is an equally negative example (e.g., Charles Manson).-ref: (Yukl, 1989) There is an argument that transformational leadership is facilitative of change because it contributes to organizational improvement, effectiveness and institutional culture (Barnett, McCormick Conners, 2001). An interesting study by Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), shows that teachers may in fact be distracted from concentrating on learning-and-teaching by, for example, taking time away from students to be involved in the corporate school initiatives an inspirational, transformational principal expects of them. Ref: (Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), a study conducted on 12 schools in New South Wales and Australia) Related Bibliography Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, September-October 2000 Moran, J. W. and Brightman, B. K. (2001) Leading organizational change, Career Development International, 6(2), pp. 111-118. Gary Yukl Journal of Management 1989. Vol. 15, No. 2, 251-289 Bennis, W, (1994), On Becoming a Leader. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN:0-201-40929-1. Lucey, J.J, Why is the failure rate for organization change so high?, Management Services Winter 2008 Evans, M.G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational, Behavior and Human Performance. 5, 277-298 House, R.J. (1971). A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 321-339. House, R.J., Mitchell, T.R. (1974). Path-goal theory of leadership. Contemporary Business, 3, 81-98. Dansereau, E, Jr., Graen, G., Haga, W.J. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 13. 46-78. Kudray, L and Kleiner, B, Global trends in managing change, Industrial Management; May/Jun 1997; 39, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 18 Lewin, K, Field Theory in Social Science, Harper and Row, 1951. Nahavandi, A. (2006). The art and science of leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hay, Iain, Transformational Leadership: Characteristics and Criticisms# Leithwood, K. Jantzi, D. (2000). The effects of transformational leadership on organizational conditions and student engagement with school. Journal of Educational Administration, 38(2), p. 112. Bass, B.M. (1990b). From transactional to transformational leadership: learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 13, pp. 26-40. Bryant, S.E. (2003). The role of transformational and transactional leadership in creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(4), pp. 32-44. Spreitzer, G.M., Perttula, K.H. Xin, K. (2005). Traditionality matters: an examination of the effectiveness of transformational leadership in the United States and Taiwan. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 205-227. Carlson, D.S. Perrewe, P.L. (1995). Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 14(10), pp. 829-839. Odom, L. Green, M.T. (2003). Law and the ethics of transformational leadership. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 24(1/2), pp. 62-69. Yates, M. (2002) Genghis Khan. LeaderValues. Retrieved August 3, 2006 from Kelly, M.L. (2003, January 1). Academic advisers as transformational leaders. The Mentor. Retrieved August 3, 2006, Chekwa, E. (2001, July 12-14). Searching for African American transformational leaders. Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences 4th International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. Manuscript available from the author. Lussier, R.N. Achua, C.F. (2004). Leadership: theory, application, skill development (2nd ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson-West. Yukl, G.A. (1989). Leadership in Organizations (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Stone, A.G., Russell, R.F., Patterson, K. (2003). Transformational versus servant leadership a difference in leader focus. Servant Leadership Roundtable October 2003. Retrieved August 3, 2006 Hall, J., Johnson, S., Wysocki, A. Kepner, K. (2002). Transformational leadership: the transformation of managers and associates. Retrieved August 3, 2006
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Letter To Shakespeare :: essays research papers
A Letter to Shakespeare January 23, 1997 William Shakespeare Stratford upon Avon Dear Mr. Shakespeare Just recently, I have read what it probably your most highly acclaimed works, Romeo and Juliet. I must give you credit for doing some great work with it, being that there are many people who enjoy it tremendously, however, I have a few problems with your story. I guess the main point that I am trying to stress, is that your story, yet good, is written to be understood by people from many centuries ago. Much of the script is written in old English, and it is very hard to understand and comprehend for people living today. I know that the setting for the story is several centuries ago, but I think that you could make a more revised version of the story for people today to read. One part that really stuck out to me was the very famous "balcony scene". Much of the language here could use some revision. For example, when Juliet says, "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?", I think it would be much better if she simply said something to the affect of "Romeo, where are you?" since that is practically all she is saying. And at the end of the balcony scene, instead of Juliet saying "Parting is such sweet sorrow," although that is very dramatic, she could just say something like, "I wish you didn't have to go so soon." Another part that I noticed was in the scene where Mercutio was insulting Tybalt, right before they fought in the streets of Verona. Mercutio had called Tybalt "prince of cats" since Tybalt was an ordinary name for house cats at that time. I think that it would be all right to keep this part, however you might want to think about changing Tybalt's name to something that is more common for cats today like Felix or even better, Whiskers, however that might not be a suitable name for a normal person. I think that in making these changes in your story, that it would make it much easier to read for people today, and I think that it might make school students who have to read it, like it even more. You might even want to think about changing the names of the characters to something more modern, or even something just completely stupid so it would appeal to people even more. For example, you could change Romeo and Juliet to Cocaine Chris and Kitty or Josh The Trashman and Maud. I think that would capture the readers' attention much better than just a couple of 16th century A Letter To Shakespeare :: essays research papers A Letter to Shakespeare January 23, 1997 William Shakespeare Stratford upon Avon Dear Mr. Shakespeare Just recently, I have read what it probably your most highly acclaimed works, Romeo and Juliet. I must give you credit for doing some great work with it, being that there are many people who enjoy it tremendously, however, I have a few problems with your story. I guess the main point that I am trying to stress, is that your story, yet good, is written to be understood by people from many centuries ago. Much of the script is written in old English, and it is very hard to understand and comprehend for people living today. I know that the setting for the story is several centuries ago, but I think that you could make a more revised version of the story for people today to read. One part that really stuck out to me was the very famous "balcony scene". Much of the language here could use some revision. For example, when Juliet says, "Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?", I think it would be much better if she simply said something to the affect of "Romeo, where are you?" since that is practically all she is saying. And at the end of the balcony scene, instead of Juliet saying "Parting is such sweet sorrow," although that is very dramatic, she could just say something like, "I wish you didn't have to go so soon." Another part that I noticed was in the scene where Mercutio was insulting Tybalt, right before they fought in the streets of Verona. Mercutio had called Tybalt "prince of cats" since Tybalt was an ordinary name for house cats at that time. I think that it would be all right to keep this part, however you might want to think about changing Tybalt's name to something that is more common for cats today like Felix or even better, Whiskers, however that might not be a suitable name for a normal person. I think that in making these changes in your story, that it would make it much easier to read for people today, and I think that it might make school students who have to read it, like it even more. You might even want to think about changing the names of the characters to something more modern, or even something just completely stupid so it would appeal to people even more. For example, you could change Romeo and Juliet to Cocaine Chris and Kitty or Josh The Trashman and Maud. I think that would capture the readers' attention much better than just a couple of 16th century
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and The Essay exa
Compare the theme of seduction in To his coy mistress and The seduction The poem â€Å"to his coy mistress†was written by Andrew Marvell between 1621 and 1678. However â€Å"The seduction†(which was written by Eileen McAuley-a woman) was written much later, in the 1980’s. Both poems are about a man trying to persuade a woman to sleep with him. In â€Å"THCM†the man uses flattery and persuasion â€Å"For lady you deserve this state.†In this poem however we never actually discover if he was successful in persuading her. In â€Å"The seduction†he seduces her using alcohol in the hope that she will sleep with him if she is drunk. In this poem we do discover that he is successful as the girl becomes pregnant. In â€Å"THCM†the male is narrating for example â€Å"our†and â€Å"we.†In â€Å"The seduction†neither of the characters narrates. It is written in third person â€Å"He lead her to the quite bricks of Birkenhead docks.†Throughout the entire poem no names are used â€Å"he†and â€Å"she.†I think this symbolises that the situation is quite common. In both poems our sympathies are with the women. We sympathise with the women in â€Å"The seduction†because she becomes pregnant and truly regrets her actions â€Å"So she cried that she had missed all the innocence around her.†In â€Å"THCM†our sympathy is also with the woman as she is being pressurised into to having sex even though she might not want to. The men in both poems are similar in one way as they are both seducing the woman in the hope that she will sleep with them. However they both act very different. The man in â€Å"THCM†is more romantic as he takes the time to admire and appreciate the woman â€Å"An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze.†Whereas in â€Å"The seduction†He doe... ...of nicotine.†I think this definitely comes across during the poems, and is a clear difference. In conclusion it is clear that both are poems are about a man seducing a woman in the hope that she will sleep with him. I believe the biggest difference between the poems is to do with the date when they were written. Both time eras had completely different attitudes to sex, which is why the men go about a different way to seduce the women The poem that I find more persuasive and effective is â€Å"THCM†because the man actually loved the lady †I would love you ten years before the flood†and his intentions were slightly more pure it seems, compared to the man in â€Å"the seduction†who simply took advantage of the woman and didn’t care for her one bit. I also think that it is very cleverly written and is interesting how each stanza represents a different time frame.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Movie and Personality Theory Analysis Essay
The movie â€Å"Joy Luck Club†depicted different characters of women from China who underwent difficulties in their lives. One woman had to bare the scorn of her family for being a concubine, another woman had to leave behind her twins under a tree during World War II because of an illness and later when she died, her daughter met her older twin sisters, these women were made to think that Chinese women should be meek and gentle, therefore, expecting their American born daughters to be the same. The daughters would retaliate about these expectations from their mothers. They have asserted their own identities and stood up for what they wanted for themselves (Wang, 1989). Eric Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development can be aptly applied to the Joy Luck Club’s heroines. They were able to recover themselves and assert their individualities in the end. Erikson’s psychosocial stage theory states that ego identity is the conscious sense of self that we develop through interaction with our environment and that our personality constantly changes as we go through our daily activities. We are exposed to new experiences that contribute to the development of our personalities. Each stage, according to Erikson, is concerned about competency in a particular area in life that if handled well, the individual will have a sense of expertise, which he termed as ego strength (Funder, 2010). I quote from Erikson, â€Å"Ego identity, then, in its subjective aspect, is the awareness of the fact that there is a self-sameness and continuity to the ego’s synthesizing methods and a continuity of one’s meaning for others†(Funder, 2010). If this is managed poorly, the individual will feel inadequate. We experience conflict that becomes a turning point in development which is for his view, these are focused on either developing or failing that quality. During this stage of conflict, there is potential for growth but also for failure. For B. F. Skinner, operant conditioning or instrumental conditioning is to associate behavior with a consequence: reward or punishment. In the movie, these theories of Skinner and Erikson were depicted by the mothers who give punishment or reward for certain behaviors manifested by their daughters. They were formed according to the cultures they were exposed to: Chinese traditions upheld by their mothers and the American culture they grew up in. Here conditioning came by way of cultural constraints. This explains the difficulties that the women underwent because they were also a product of their own culture. In the end, they were able to transcend cultural barriers and have developed their own personalities independent of their mothers. One can say that these girls have bloomed and acquired personalities after stages of conflict that resulted from a culture imbibed by their mothers and a culture they had to embrace. Another good theorist is Carl Rogers who is best known for a non-directive approach in the therapeutic process. He espouses Humanism in psychology, that believes that all people are essentially good and healthy. According to him, â€Å"In my early professional years, I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth? †All the women in the movie were all good, the woman who was judged by her family because of being a concubine, is essentially good. The mother who left her twins under a tree is essentially good. Often, we misjudge people for certain behaviors we think are improper or inappropriate. But if we examine the circumstances and we know all of the circumstances, we may be careful in judging other people’s behavior. Personally I have learned in my own life that there is such a things as hope and grace. No matter what happens to you, life has a way of resolving things and healing emotional and psychological pains so that one can eventually move on celebrating life. In many ways, the culture of my family and society formed me through negative and positive reinforcements. At first I was afraid to assert myself and I would always conform to what society wants. Erikson’s psychosocial development made me realize the challenges that I have to overcome through life’s challenges and passages. My own realization is that even if I had failed an earlier stage, life’s lessons always come back so that eventually I would know the truth and move on to a higher level. Carl Rogers’ assumption that man is basically good is refreshing as this has become a steady source of inspiration that no matter what I did or failed to do, I am basically a good person and that I will triumph in the end. I quote from Funder, â€Å"Every man is in certain respects (a) like all other men, (b) like some other men, (c) like no other man. †Funder has indicated that everyone is like everyone else, or similar with some, or similar with nobody. He is saying that all men and women are the same in their basic needs for food and shelter. We are all similar in our interests and other things in common, but we are also not similar any other men/women because of the traits that each of us possess, which is what we call personality. Our minds may be the same with other minds and are also unlike any other mind. The set-up of our brains have similar structures but our brains can also be similar some other brains in terms of some disorders, for example. Individuals who are depressed will have neurotransmitter concentrations that are different from those of non-depressed people. We have different abilities academically or athletically, and these activities are controlled by the brain. But abilities are different from everyone. He has stated that, â€Å"Constructivism is widespread throughout modern intellectual life. This attitude, slightly simplified – is that reality as a concrete entity does not exist. All that does exist is human ideas or constructions of reality. †He has also stated, â€Å"To some degree, the judgments of personality rendered of you by the people who know you not only reflect what you are like, but can lead you to be what you are like. †We have different mental construct of impressions of what we see around us. The concept of beautiful may be different from someone else. Our realities like our view of the world are not a reality. These are interpretations of what we see around us that make sense within our observations of our surroundings and of impressions by people about us. The reality of our personality was also created by the ones who know us which we sometimes affirm. But this is not necessarily the truth of our real personality. Works Cited Funder, D. C. (2010). The Personality Puzzle. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. Wang, W. (Director). (1989). â€Å"Joy Luck Club†[Motion Picture].
Monday, September 16, 2019
Emotions Are Perfectly Permissible Signs of the Healthy Body’s Response to Stress Essay
What are the essential factors that help to mould a person’s character? The formation of character begins from the early childhood. Of course family plays significant part in character building. Carrying out some simple duties, the child is accustomed to respect and love work, to feel responsibility for the charged business. Under the influence of requirements of parents and tutors, their personal example the child gradually has concepts of what he can do and what he can’t, and it starts to define its behaviour, lays the foundation for a call of duty, discipline, endurance; the child is accustomed to state an estimation to own behaviour. With the à µntering school begins the new stage of formation of character . This stage is characterised by that the child faces a considerable quantity of new, strict rules and the duties rigidly defining all its behaviour. Usually these circumstances promote formation of such character traits, as organisation, purposefulness, persistence, accuracy, discipline, diligence. Especially intensively character traits develop at teenagers . And this sensitive period is formed set of character traits, especially what express the relation of the person to a society and people. The major means of a character building is work. In the serious and socially significant work connected with overcoming of difficulties, the best character traits – purposefulness, a collectivism, persistence are brought up. The character building is influenced by the literature and art. Images of literary heroes and their behaviour often serve for the pupil as the original sample to whom it compares the behaviour. The character building is influenced also by a personal example of the tutor, whether it is parents or teachers. What the teacher does much more influences a life of the child, than what he speaks. How the teacher his work how he follows public norms of behaviour, how he control his feelings, what style of his work – all that has enormous importance for a character building of children. Character is not a stiff foundation(à ·Ã °Ã' Ã'‚Ã'‹à ²Ã'ˆà µÃ µ à ¾Ã ±Ã'ۈ °Ã ·Ã ¾Ã ²Ã °Ã ½Ã ¸Ã µ),it moulds during all person’s life. It’s known that physiological bents(à ·Ã °Ã ´Ã °Ã'‚à ºÃ ¸) do not predetermine absolutele development of character. A great assistance( à ±Ã ¾Ã »Ã'Å'Ã'ˆà °Ã' à ¿Ã ¾Ã ¼Ã ¾Ã'‰Ã'Å') in a character building is rendered by more skilled people and it’s important to find a worthy example for imitation. Character of the person is formed in interaction with others. But the one who undertakes to help another, at first should show itself an example of purposefulness, activity, organisation, firmness and other character traits which he should generate at the pupils. Here it is impossible to forget about mechanisms of imitation which first of all extend on negative displays of behaviour. At first mother, the father, other members of a family, then tutors in a kindergarten, contemporaries, teachers are potential instructors. So those potential instructors should first of all look after themselves. Much depends on them. They should make aware of all responsibility that they take. What are the ways and means by which a person’s character is revealed and estimated? We all know that people are different. Sometimes we meet people whom we don’t like. But some people attract us. Usually when we meet people first of all we look at their appearance, how they look. Of course if a person is untidy, slovenly and unpleasant we don’t want to communicate with him. We don’t even want to be near them. We always look at person’s clothes. As for me I like well-dressed people, who are always neat, tidy and elegant. And if we like person’s appearance we are eager to socialize with them. But sometimes it happens that we are disappointed in people, even we like their appearance. It happens when a person is rude, impertinent, impolite or fussy. So what I want to say that we also pay attention to people’s speech, in what way they communicate. It’s very important to communicate with people politely, friendly, affably and calmly. And I want to say that first impressions play the leading role for further communication. When we meet new people we pay attention to everything, to their appearance, their speech, voice, manners and behaviour. Person’s behaviour says us about some of his or hers character traits. If a person can’t cope with his feelings, always throws tantrums we can understand that he is very nervous, fussy and unrestrained. And if he always hides his feelings, doesn’t let off stem, behaves himself calmly and coolly we can say that this person is reserved, uncommunicative and secretive. But it’s not good. I think it is more interesting to communicate with open, sociable, easy going and cheerful people. I think everyone will agree with me. And I want to say that the more we communicate with a person, the more we know him. And person’s behaviour just helps us to know him. Through some of his deeds we can understand whether a person is scrupulous, sincere or on the contrary unscrupulous and false. Also I always pay attention to person’s attitude to the life, to his parents, friends and other values. Does he respect his parents and friends or not, has he any aim in his life or not. I like purposeful people, they always know what they want and finish whatever they start. These are good traits of character. And also I want to add that I don’t like people who tease animals. May be I don’t like them because I have my cat, but nevertheless I think intelligent person will never hurt animals, they are weak and we should take care of them. And if a person is cruel towards animals I can consider that he is brutal in the life. What is the role played by personal traits of character in choosing a profession? The problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. The profession a person chooses in many ways determines his future life. For many people choosing a career is not an easy task. It is one of the most important decisions one makes in life. The properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life. There are several factors that influence on the decision of young people to make their choice. Much depends on the inclinations and interests of the person. Also the profession of the parents often in this or that way influences on the future profession of their children. And of course personal traits of character play a great role in choosing a profession. It’s very important to take them into account. Because for example if a person is ill-natured, hard-hearted, insensible, fussy and cruel, he couldn’t be a teacher or a doctor. I think teacher should control her or his feelings, not to take her or his irritation out on students or pupils. Of course it’s difficult, because teachers are people and sometimes it’s difficult to cope with feelings. As for me I’m going to be a translator. At school at first I wanted to be a journalist. I admired them. I thought I was born to be a journalist, because I’m communicative, responsible, reliable, sociable, I’m easy to deal with, but I couldn’t write compositions and it was enough for me to refuse that idea. I liked English at school, and I wanted to speak English without any difficulties that’s why I decided to go to our institute and to study English. But I think it’s too little to have only a wish to be a translator, some traits of character are also very important. I think translator should be first of all communicative, sociable, and responsible. And a lazy person couldn’t be a translator, only hard-working, industrious and patient person could manage it. And of course it’s necessary to have a good memory. And I think a good person can choose any profession, it depends on his interests. If he or she is polite, affable, attentive and honest everyone will want to hire him or her. But as for ill-natured people it’s always difficul t to find a good job for them, first of all it’s difficult to get an education, because usually they are unrestrained, intolerant, self-willed, harsh and impertinent, they can start their studying but couldn’t finish it. And they are difficult to deal with. And even if they got an education, nobody wants to work with them. For example nobody let nervous people to work with their children. Or no one wants to hire irresponsible or dishonest person. There are some people who are always shy, not self-confident and it’s hard for them to communicate with other people, they always think that they do something wrong, they become concerned about what people think about them. I think such people can’t achieve any success in their career. They should be more active, assertive and persevering but within reasonable limits. Negative feelings seem to change character with intensity. There are a lot of difficult situations in our life. We are all different, some people are not afraid of problems. They are persevering and self-possessed. They know how to cope with different problems. But there are some people who always unlucky. They are gloomy and sullen. They usually claim of their troubles. I suppose it is very difficult to communicate with such kind of people. I think that it is better to be more optimistic when you are in a bad mood. Is it interesting to be through the difficulties? In my opinion it is very interesting and most of all it is impotent to cope with problems when we meet with them. Hard situations train our willpower. We should learn how to calm down and to try not to let off steam. Usually when we are tense and jumpy, we take our irritation out on friends, parents. Such kind of behavior only makes the situation worse. It is necessary to say that negative feelings can spoil everything. Usually we can’t take easy many problems. For example, when we quarrel with our family or with our friends, we become tense and sulky. There is no mood to do something. We began to feel anxious. We think that it will be impossible to achieve some good results. When the situation becomes more difficult, we begin to throw tantrums. We can’t find the right decision or to be more exact we don’t try to do it. I’d like to say that when you don’t know how to pull yourself together and to calm down, your character will change with intensity. You will get irritated more often, even without any reasons. Some people lose all hope to realize their dreams. For example, they failed once. And it was difficult for them to cope with negative feelings. People of weak character usually despair deeply and lose any hope to achieve a success. So, I think that it is necessary to be an optimistic person. We should take easy a lot of distressing situations. Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. There are a lot of difficult situations in our life. We are all different, some people are not afraid of problems. They are persevering and self-possessed. They know how to cope with different problems. But there some people who always unlucky. They are gloomy and sullen. They usually claim of their troubles. I suppose it is very difficult to communicate with such kind of people. I think that it is better to be more optimistic when you are in a bad mood. Is it interesting to be through the difficulties? In my opinion it is very interesting and most of all it is impotent to cope with problems when we meet with them. Hard situations train our willpower. We should learn how to calm down and to try not to let off steam. Usually when we are tense and jumpy, we take our irritation out on friends, parents. Such kind of behavior only makes the situation worse. Who is a lucky person? I think a person who coped with some difficulties and achieved a success is really lucky. There is a good proverb. Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. It is a golden rule. We shouldn’t look for easiest ways in our life. We should be more persistent. For example your friends are planning a hiking tour. But you refused their suggestion to go on a hike with them. You are afraid of bad weather; you don’t know how to make a fire. You don’t want to cut a foolish figure. You prefer to sit at home and to be unnoticeable. But is it right? No, it is not right. There are a lot of children from rich families. They have everything but they do nothing. They get a good education without making any efforts. I don’t think that such children are happy. In my opinion the problem of choosing the future profession has always been very important. The profession a person chooses in many ways determines his future life. For many people choosing a career is not an easy task. It is one of the most important decisions one makes in life. The properly chosen career makes a person happy and successful for the rest of his life. People make much effort to enter the university and to realize their dream to be for example a translator or doctor, etc. They are studying for 5 or six years and after that people try to find a good job. it is a fantastic feelings when you are proud of yourself! You worked hard, you passed a lot of exams and you got a certificate of degree. Now you are a specialist and you have got a gut job. Emotions are perfectly permissible signs of the healthy body’s response to distress There are a lot of difficult situations in our life. We are all different, some people are not afraid of problems. They are persevering and self-possessed. They know how to cope with different problems. But there some people who always unlucky. They are gloomy and sullen. They usually claim of their troubles. I suppose it is very difficult to communicate with such kind of people. I think that it is better to be more optimistic when you are in a bad mood. Is it interesting to be through the difficulties? In my opinion it is very interesting and most of all it is impotent to cope with problems when we meet with them. Hard situations train our willpower. We should learn how to calm down and to try not to let off steam. Usually when we are tense and jumpy, we take our irritation out on friends, parents. Such kind of behavior only makes the situation worse. When we are in a bad mood our body suffers from it too. When we feel anger, physical tension develops automatically. We need to realize this tension through action of some kind. I think it is not bad to let off steam in such a way. They say that physical exercises influence on our mood positively. There are a lot of situations when we need to express our feelings. To be more exact, we need to let off steam. Anger that is expressed automatically clears the air and removes the tension. Sometimes it is necessary to burst into tears. When you are furious, you shouldn’t disguise your feelings. Accumulation of irritation, annoyance and stress leads to headaches, sickness of various kinds. We should take care of our health. I suppose it is better to say a person everything what you think about him. Don’t accumulate fury. Of course we should know where to stop. Otherwise people will be afraid of you. They will begin to avoid communicating with you.
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