Wednesday, July 31, 2019
The Effects of Dota Game Among the Players
There are many students and even some young professionals that are addicted to DotA. This is one of the computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games to young students. Many students get addicted to this game and they even spend long hours inside the computer shop just to play the game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games affects their studies and this is the cause why they are lying to their parents that they need extra money for their school project but the truth is they are just using the money to rent a computer where they can play DotA with their classmates. Sometimes, in order to make the game exciting, they have a deal to pay those who won the game, so it already becomes a form of gambling. When time spent on the computer playing DotA games or cruising the Internet reaches to the point when it harms a child’s or adult’s family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person may be caught in a cycle of addiction. Like other addictions, DotA game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the Internet. Time away from the computer or game causes moodiness or withdrawal. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files, playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails, that easily can reach up to seventy to eighty hours a week on-line with the computer and will result to major disruptions from work, school, and in social life.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Development and Aging
Human development has led to have an insight into the developmental processes in humans throughout the life cycle. Biological, cognitive and personality are some of the aspects of development, which have been explored. The development in life cycle at all points can be understood by taking into account some primary forces; these are the mixture of past temporal conceptualizations, current developmental themes, and environmental influences. They constitute â€Å"Time sense†.According to the reports on American family history, the four approaches perceived by social scientists to study family are household composition, generations, family cycle and life-course. The study of life-course has been proved the most fruitful approach for a dynamic, complex view of families that acts as a linking line between domestic sphere and wider societal trends and concerns. The analytical approach of life-course contributes historiographically in four areas of family: life- childbearing, early c hild development, adolescence and old age.Development of health problems with growing age is another area to be focused on; study of difference in adjustment level of people in mid-life, late life transitions and stressful life events, the effect of family conditions on mental health is studied, the frequency of occurrence of mental disorders such as organic problems, schizophrenia and depression, with age. Age related sexual problems, substance abuse and psychosomatic problems are other areas of research during early, middle, late and elderly hood.However, it is quiet usual that most dramatic developmental changes takes place during infancy and early childhood. Researchers have accepted adolescence as the age of major changes. Middle-aged people are often found to be indulged in severe life events such as redundancy or divorce. In early old age (i. e 50s and 60s), people are encountered with the problems of retirement and reduced standard of living. The late old age consists of dea th of life partner and serious health problems. In nutshell, important developmental changes take place throughout our life. REFERENCES: Referred to Human Development 1998). Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 53:113-140 A Developmental Line of Time Sense: In Late Adulthood and throughout the Life Cycle Calvin A. Colarusso, M.D. Changing Perspectives on the American Family in the Past Susan M. Juster, Maris A. Vinovskis Annual Review of Sociology, Vol. 13, 1987 (1987), pp. 193-216 Clinical Issues of Middle Age and Later Life Boaz Kahana, Eva Kahana Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 464, Middle and Late Life Transitions (Nov., 1982), pp. 140-161 Adolscence, adulthood, and old age Michael W. Eysenck Dated 21st July 2007
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis of Oedipus Rex
Edepus' life has not been good start. His father, Lieus, heard the prophecy that Oedipus would someday kill his father and sleep with his mother. To prevent this, Leus killed Oedipus with a shepherd. Fortunately, through a series of events, the life of Edpsus was saved, and he even became the King of Thebes' glory. Nonetheless, Oedipus finally succeeded in making Laius 's first prophecy and inevitably making some decisions that sealed Oedipus' fate. Analysis of the analysis of the script of the Edps Dynasty The complete destiny of the Edi Dynasty was predicted by Prophet Theresius in the second act. - As Sophed noted in Oedipus Ricks, Destiny played an important role in Greek drama and literature Sophos plays in Russian golden age. He is one of the greatest playwrights in the history of Western literature. When he was in an important political position he was always a Greek, and he even even served as a pastor of delivering fine Amynos. The important acceptance history of Oedipus Rex began with Aristotle (384 BC to 322 BC) and opened up a history of literary formalism and structural analysis of poetry. Critically explain the two important foundations of the company. In a sense, it can be regarded as rarely being the first book of literary criticism, its significance for subsequent research of works in the form of popular entertainment, and festivals over performances being funded by the state I will. Literary criticism is the interpretation of literature. Let us discuss Sophocles' view of some important literary critics of the Oedipus dynasty. From these critics, Oedipus Rex learned to use stationery and structure to enhance its effect. He talked about drama performance. In Edepes, Messenger cheered me up on Edepes and removed the warning about my mother, but by revealing who he is, I created the opposite effect.When the hero realizes the truth , Edeps finally noticed that he murdered his father and married his mother.Finally, because Oedipus stabbed her in the eye and killed her mother killed herself Aristotle believes that these elements are completely related to logic.
The introduction of an ultrasonic dish washer Essay
The introduction of an ultrasonic dish washer - Essay Example In relation to the study, the company which has been selected is Ultrasonic Solution providers and one of the main products that will be introduced by the company would be the Ultrasonic dish washer. The product will be offering a cost-effective solution to people in the washing of dishes and another crockery. In addition to this, the product will be offering them comfort as many people do not like to wash dishes and crockery but with ultrasonic dish washer, the problem of washing and cleaning crockery would be solved. The product would be first introduced in the United Kingdom and then with the passage of time, the company would expand its offerings in other countries of Europe and then in other parts of the world. In addition to this geographic location, Ultrasonic Solutions aims to expand its product range as well and in future, it will be coming up with more products that could solve their problems related to home activities. Dish washers require a large amount of water to be use d and this is one of the major environmental concerns of this product. However Ultrasonic dish washer would require 30 liters of water. However one of the important features of Ultrasonic dish washer is that it would recycle 20 liters of water and therefore only 10 liters of water would be required. Although there are some products that help people in a cleaning of dishes and crockery, however ultrasonic dish washer has several functions that would help in solving this problem. With the passage of time, the demand of such products has been increasing not only in private homes but in different restaurants and hotels as well. dish washers have been very helpful and a very good solution for people and restaurant owners in washing of dishes as this not only reduces the time that is involved in washing of dishes but it also reduces the cost. There has been an increasing usage of products like dish washers as this has provided people the convenience and cost-effective solution as before the introduction of dish
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Corporate strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Corporate strategy - Essay Example The labels are demanding a revolution from their trade unions and they have dropped DRM to keep up with the changes in the contemporary world by engaging in innovative operations. The competition among the key players in this industry is not as aggressive as in other industries. Analysis of internal resources and culture Sony record label is a renowned company in the entertainment industry offering diverse products and services to its wide market as explained by Hanson et al. (2001). Their productions are highly refreshing and entertaining (Sony United 2007). This is achieved by efficiently combining and managing its resources, competencies and abilities. This results in a strong competitive advantage. Resources are the features owned and managed by a company to create value for customers as stipulated by Hill et al. (2007). The discussion below analyses the different resources owned and managed by the company. Financial resources These are described as the tangible resources that ha ve physical properties and are financial in nature (Hill et al. 2007). The company recorded an increase in sales of 10% in the year 2007 (Sony United 2007). The company owns other forms of tangible resources in form of land, buildings, machinery and equipment valued at nearly 14 million dollars (Sony United 2007). ... (2007). The company is linked to quality and is among the top enterprises globally. This reputation has led to increased sales over the years (Singh et. al. 2005). The company’s brand is recognized worldwide and it is among the most trusted music labels. Once an artiste has been signed to the record label, they are guaranteed of superstardom and this has led to increased revenues. The company employs high technology in its production processes and this offers high quality music. The record label has big stars signed to it including Pink, Shakira, Avril Lavigne, and Celine Deon among other international stars. With such talent and stardom the company has been recording high sales for many years. The company produces different genres of music through the labels that are under the main organization. These include the Columbia/Epic label group, Provident label group, RCA/Jive label group, Sony Music Latin, Sony Music Commercial Music group and Provident label (Sony Corporation of America 2011). The company activities are spread across 44 nations and this describes its vast market base. Customer loyalty has remained the main contributing factor to its success. Despite the decline in sales of CDs, a specific segment has remained loyal to buying their music. The company’s experience in the music production business has been a valuable asset since the company understands the market, the artists and the music industry. This helps the company to produce quality products and to adapt to any changes in future. Physical resources This refers to the structures, property and machinery owned by the company. The company has modern music equipment for production purposes. The company has
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Private prisons Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Private prisons - Research Paper Example Governments do consider the benefits and drawbacks of Private Prisons and pros and cons are always analyzed all the time. The arguments in favor and against the case of private prisons revolve around money matters. Some advocates believe that it diminishes the overhead cost for federal and state agencies. Opponents are of the idea that private prisons will not have quality staff or security, lack of excellent maintenance and building, and also probable delays of letting the community know of the convict’s flight (Moore). When a state transfers convicts to private prison, there are many rooms inside the state prisons for more prisoners or right space for prisoners who were already present there. This state prison saves the money which is spent on supplies bought for the current convicts living there and also can diminish potential violence because whole living tension is reduced. When a private company goes bankrupt, all the doors are shut down. This results in possible prematu re release of violent prisoners. The whole amount of money that federal government gives to private firm to run the operations of a prison can be reduced if government can carry on the activities of prison by itself. Lower labor costs which are an aftermath of public prisons are also a factor. Most public service employees receive more in wages that is salary and the benefits in comparison to private employees. These wages are almost more than half of the overall operating expenses that a prison bears. Most private organizations still give the same salary as do the federal governments. But the health care, overtime payments and claims for compensation are usually lower for private prisons (Bledsoe, 2013). Private firms are better when it comes down to performance as compared to publicly owned prisons. They bear the claim that as the contracts they make with governments can be canceled any time, so they work on their best to provide better service than the public prisons. This usuall y means that privately owned prisons are mostly safer as compared to publicly owned prisons, and living conditions in them are better as well. Mostly, it is the prisoners’ rehabilitation that is the most noticeable quality of private prisons. Budget Predictions are much easier when it comes to publicly owned prisons. Federal governments, when working with private enterprises, have a good prediction of right cost to bolster each prisoner each day. This also assists in analysis when grant is requested. The challenge that privately owned prisons pose is that they increase their fees or allow raise expenditures for other activities and create a strain for the state financially. Private prisons pose a threat to the state in the sense that governments become too much reliant on the private organizations for a prison. This leads to high costs of operating such prison because private firms sometimes tend to work with lesser efficiency as they promised before. When governments become too much reliant on private enterprises, the cost increases a lot (Michael, 2013). All the prison services do not have money to increase the size of the building as the population of convicts grows. The amenities offered by private prison have the capacity to increase the size of their buildings so that they can arrange the building parts so that they can be utilized for different purposes. For instance, a huge room with a closed room can be used as a gym or a dormitory. This is easily achieved in
Friday, July 26, 2019
Police Inhuman Treatment of Female Offenders Essay
Police Inhuman Treatment of Female Offenders - Essay Example She believes her complaint would have been "swept under the carpet" if not for a letter on her behalf from former Supreme Court judge Ted Mullighan’ ( The news primarily deals with the complaint of one ‘Lee’ (name changed) who was picked up by the police when she had failed to attend a court hearing on a minor theft from a shop in the 1990s. It had taken the court proceedings and police more than 13 years to pick her up from the same address where she had been residing since the time she had committed the offense. She was stripped naked by four male police and put in the padded cell for about an hour before letting her join the rest of the jail inmates. As a child, Lee was sexually abused in a foster home and gave evidence to the same in the Mullighan inquiry. She is a mother of three children and for her, this incident ‘was like being raped all over again†¦I cant put words to what they have done to me, it is just inhumane’. She had lodged a complaint to the complaints authority in 2006, the verdict of which is still awaited. Judge Mulligan has said that despite her traumatic childhood experience, Lee has largely kept herself out of any trouble and has brought up her children alone. Since her complaint, more people have come out in her support, who themselves had undergone same humiliation in the Christie beach police station. In a letter to Police Commissioner Mal Hyde, obtained by The Advertiser, the Police Complaints Authority says it has "long-standing disquiet" over the practice, which has been labeled "violent and disturbing" by civil libertarians. The complaints authority investigator, Helen Lines has been concerned about the practice that violates the personal dignity of the persons and ‘would focus on the practice of using padded cells to confine distressed prisoners to prevent them from harming themselves with their clothing’. George Mancini of SA. Council of Civil Liberties has also been shocked at the ‘humiliating and violent’ practice and says that the distressed prisoners need to be handled with more sensitivity and care.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Human Resource Management High School Case Study
Human Resource Management High School - Case Study Example In addition, his character references have shown positive feedback with his work ethic and study habits. With this kind of academic background, it is blatantly obvious that the part of the benefits package which would most likely appeal to Peters is the company's apparent conduciveness to higher learning. The case states that Beco Electric encourages advanced education, fully subsidizing all expenses for tuition and books. And to top it all off, the company would even allow its employees to attend classes during the day, depending on the circumstance. A harmonious, mutually beneficial working relationship would even result in scholarships for all dependents of the employee. Judging from his description, these are the facets of the benefits program which Mr. Peters would find most attractive. Of course, having the standard health insurance and profit sharing plans never hurt, but if one is very serious with his continuing studies, this reflects a personality which would not give much credence to financial compensation. Mr. Peters is an academic achiever and has shown significant leadership potential, hence the company's flexible continuing education schemes should bode well for him . Other benefits which may favor Mr.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Humn Recourse Mngement in Indi - Essay Example It occupies strtegic loction in South si for interntionl trde. With n re of 3.3 million squre km, Indi is the second lrgest country in si nd the seventh lrgest in the world. former British colony, Indi hs emerged s the lrgest democrcy in the world since independence in 1947. Indi is the birthplce of three of the world's min religions: Hinduism (bout 7000 yers BC), Buddhism (487 BC) nd Sikhism (1699 D). Indin society comprises six min religious groups: Hindus (83.2 per cent), Muslims (11 per cent), Sikhs (2 per cent), Christins (2 per cent), Jins nd Buddhists (less thn 1 per cent). There re over three thousnd cstes. Indi hs 179 lnguges nd 544 dilects. The Constitution recognises sixteen lnguges, Hindi nd English being the two officil lnguges. Indi hs one of the lrgest English-speking popultions in the si-Pcific region. The litercy rte for those over 15 yers of ge is 51 per cent, but litercy is unevenly distributed (Budhwr, 2000). These fcts show the diverse nture of the Indin workforce. Though rich in culture nd nturl resources, Indi currently fces number of problems: politicl nd religious instbility; ever-incresing levels of popultion; unemployment nd poverty; corruption in government offices; cstism; low per cpit income; instbility of output in griculture nd relted sectors; slow privtistion of the bloted public sector; lck of dequte intellectul property protection; excessive bureucrcy; nd n incresing gp between rich nd poor. The level of corruption in politics is rpidly rising. fter independence, the government set up 'Plnning Commission' in 1950 to formulte ntionl plns. Since then (till erly 1990s) 'mixed economy' pproch (emphsising both privte nd public enterprise) hs been dopted. Economic plnning is minly crried out through the five-yer plns nd industril policies. Presently, the ninth five yer-pln nd the industril policy begun in 1991 re in progress (see Dtt nd Sundhrm, 1999). The next section further highlights the present dynmic business environment nd the chllenges it hs creted for the HR function in Indi. Economic crisis nd liberlistion of Indin economy Despite the formlities of plnning, the Indin economy reched its ndir in 1991. It witnessed double digit rte of infltion, decelerted industril production, fiscl indiscipline, very high rtio of borrowing to the GNP (both internl nd externl) nd dismlly low level of foreign exchnge reserves. Foreign reserves hd become so low tht they were brely sufficient to meet the cost of three weeks' imports (Budhwr, 2001). The Indin government ws forced to pledge gold to the Bnk of Englnd to meet the country's foreign exchnge requirements. The World Bnk nd the IMF greed to bil out Indi on the condition tht it chnged to 'free mrket economy' from regulted regime. To meet the chllenges, the government nnounced series of economic policies beginning with the devlution of the rupee, followed by new industril policy nd fiscl nd trde policies. number of reforms were undertken in the public sector, in trde nd exchnge policy, in the bnking sector, nd foreign investment ws liberlised. Liberlistion of policies hs resulted in huge increse in competition for Indin firms with foreign firms. In ddition, Indin firms re now under gret pressure to chnge from indigenous, costly nd probbly less effective technology to high, more effective nd costly technology (Venkt Rtnm,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Wrongfully Convicted Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Wrongfully Convicted - Assignment Example The opponents of capital punishment have therefore cited wrongful executions as their arguments since it does not result into justice if indeed the convicted or executed person is later found to be innocent (Huff & Killias, 62). However, with the advancements in technology, there is relief to this problem as the crimes and criminals are being identified in a more accurate manner in which even those who had been convicted in the past have been released from the prisons and escaped the death sentences. Research has shown that in the United States of America, the use of DNA technology has resulted into the exoneration and the setting free of up to 15 inmates who were serving death penalty since the year 1992 (Zedeck, 27). It is however important to note that a number of individuals have also been released due to weak cases or innocent individuals convicted and the people who are supposed to be convicted set free (Huff & Killias, 65). The death penalty information center has also publish ed certain names of individuals who have been executed but are likely to be innocent if thorough investigations are done to authenticate their involvement in the crimes that they are alleged to have committed. This is not different from the other nations in Europe and other parts of the world. For example, in the United Kingdom, criminal cases review commission has reported that there are several individuals who have actually been pardoned and other several exonerations for individuals who had been executed during the time between 1950s and 1960s. It is therefore important to note that there is need to standardize the DNA evidence so as to serve as the basis for exonerations of individuals who have been wrongfully convicted as a process to deliver justice to them. One example of those who were wrongfully convicted and executed in the United States of America is Jesse Tafero. Jesse was convicted in Florida in the year 1976 for the alleged killing of police officer (Ciolino, 28). He w as convicted together witch another person known as Jacobs Sonia. The two were convicted with the murder case alongside drug trafficking. It was alleged that they killed police officers as they escaped the police arrest because of the drugs that they had. The two individuals were then sentenced to death on the basis of the testimonies by a third party prisoner who pleaded for the les entice if he testified in the case. In the year 1981, the death sentence for Jacob was commuted. However, a year later, Rhodes who testified against the pair asserted that he actually bears the full responsibility of the murder. Tafero on the other hand was executed in the year 1990 despite all these clams by Rhodes. Two years later, the charges against Jacob were squashed which later resulted into her serving imprisonment and not being executed like Tafero. It is important to note that Tafero might have been executed wrongfully and in case the same evidence used in Jacob’s case could have been u sed in his case, he could have been alive as well. Others who are believed to have been wrongfully executed include; Wayne Felker, Cameroon Willingham, Meeks Griffins and Thomas among others who were wrongfully convicted but not executed (Ciolino, 22). In the view of the above, it is clear that the cases of wrongful executions are evident and there is need to look for ways by which these executions can be right executions. With this regard, it is not possible to deliver justice to individuals who have been killed. It is therefore important for the various legislative bodies to consider doing away with the death sentences and replace it with amore elaborate and a system that can be reversed. This is because even then DNA test and the biological processes
Women’s Movement 1848-1970’s Essay Example for Free
Women’s Movement 1848-1970’s Essay Women have been â€Å"pushing†for equal rights, for a countless amount of time. Even before the United States â€Å"broke-free†of Great Britain, women have been trying to â€Å"gain†the equivalent rights granted to men. This essay focuses upon the women’s advancement for equal rights in the United States starting from the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention, thru the 1970s.The Seneca Falls Convention (July 19-20, 1848) is known as the first Women’s Rights Convention to have ever taken place. This convention was organized by Women’s Rights Activists (as well as Antislavery activists) Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott. According to Stanton, the ultimate goal of this convention was to discuss the social, civil, and religious condition and right[s] of woman. Neither Mott nor Stanton expected the ‘rally’ to have many visitors, however they were completely wrong. Their convention surprisingly had over 300 supporters. This proved that it was a highly valued topic amongst women in the United States. The Seneca Falls Convention marked the beginning of women organizing to ‘fight’ for their own rights / personal liberty. Two (2) years after the convention in 1850 the second women’s movement convention was held in Salem, Ohio, and 1850 was also the year for the first national women’s right convention which was held in Worcester, Massachusetts. Similar conventions regarding the women’s movement were held annually up to the Civil War Era. During the Civil War, many women’s rights conventions and activists put aside their movement to assist in the war effort. Many women took over the male’s role in society, while they were off fighting in the Civil War. After the war, while the United States was undergoing a period of reformation, Women begin to start organizing conventions, as they did before the war, and in 1867, Susan B. Anthony formed the Equal Rights Association, which worked for universal suffrage. This marks the time period when women began to push for women’s suffrage-the right to vote. Shortly after the establishment of the Equal Rights Association, the fourteenth amendment was ratified, and the fifteenth amendment passed Congress, giving the right to vote to black men. Women petitioned to be included but are ultimately turned down. The New England Woman Suffrage Association was formed (1868). In 1869, Women’s Rights activist Elizabeth Cady Stanton forms, and leads the National Woman Suffrage Association. Women finally begin to succeed with their suffrage movement when Wyoming Territory grants women’s suffrage, and allows women to hold elected positions. As time continued, it became increasingly harder for women to voice their concerns, mainly because males began to fight back. An example of this is the National Anti-Suffrage Association formed in 1871, or the multiple arrests, and imprisonment of women’s rights activists. Despite these hard times, women began to gradually move forward with their protests. Several laws and governmental programs assisted the women’s movement, and many controversial federal policies were either ratified, or became a decision on a local scale. The major component women’s movement, the suffrage movement came to an end August 18, 1920 with the passage of the 19th amendment which granted suffrage to women. Women strongly pushed for more equivalent rights, until the 1970s when legally declared equal, when all the U.S. amendments were finally to apply to all citizens, which included women. In conclusion, the woman’s movement was a slow and painful, but greatly appreciated movement which clearly showed off what freedom allows us to do. Gradually through time, as outlined in this essay, women were able to freely organize, gather, and protest / push for their voices to be heard. In doing so, Activists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Susan B. Anthony fixed some major flaws with the ‘law of the land’, and because of them, the praise ‘All men and women are created equal’, has moved from being fiction, to becoming and remaining fact.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Adult Health Nurse Practioner Essay Example for Free
Adult Health Nurse Practioner Essay Due to the rapid changes and complexity in healthcare, nurses are pursuing higher education and specialized training. This specialized training has produced what we now call advance practice nurses. Advance practice nurses can function independently or in partnership with other physicians. These nurses play a vital role in healthcare. There are four types of advance practice nurses; clinical nurse specialist, nurse anesthetist, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. The role of the nurse practitioner has changed from being an assistant to meeting the healthcare needs of patients when no physician is available. Nurse practitioners may specialize in a variety of settings, but are not limited to; primary care, acute care, palliative care, infectious disease, and gerontology. Becoming a nurse practitioner requires a Master of Science in nursing, post masters, or Doctor of nursing practice (Britt, 2012). The services provided by nurse practitioners include; diagnosing and treating health problems, adult and well child checks, prescribing medications, teaching health promotion while promoting disease prevention (Britt, 2012). Healthcare reform which has led to increase accessibility of healthcare has created more opportunities for nurse practitioners in the primary care setting (AAON, 2014). Nurse practitioners are visible in the acute and critical care settings. In the acute setting, they are using evidence based practice to manage care of the critically ill (AAON, 2014). According to the American Association of Nurses, â€Å"nurse practitioners are more likely to adhere to clinical practice guidelines that improve patient outcomes (AAON, 2014). Nurse practitioners tent to engage patients in their care by helping them understand t and measures they can take for improvements (Britt, 2012). Despite the enormous contributions nurse practitioners are giving to healthcare, there are barriers to the potential of what a nurse practitioner can give back to their community. The state scope of practice laws are the most significant (Naylor, Kurtzman, 2010). These laws govern practice and prescriptive authority. There are some states more restrictive than others. Reimbursement is another issue affecting nurse practitioners. There are legal concerns regarding reimbursement for services provided by nurse practitioners (Perry, 2009). Other barriers NPs face include; poor physician attitude, lack of respect, and poor communication. The poor physician attitude may be due to lack of physician knowledge regarding the role of the nurse practitioner (Clarin, 2009). When there is difficulty understanding the NPs role, then there is difficulty with collaboration, which in turn affects the patient. As the scope of practice for nurse practitioners varies from state to state, the nurse practitioners role is becoming more dominant due to the demands because more people are able to afford healthcare. It is imperative for barriers to be removed that would allow NPs to use their training and education to the fullest. Nurse practitioners are an essential component to the healthcare team and medical community. With such emphasis being placed on preventive care, nurse practitioners will be recognized as an asset. References Naylor, Kurtzman, E. (2010), The Role of Nurse Practitioner in Reinventing Primary Care. Health Affairs, 29 893-899 doi:10.1377/hlthaff 2010.0440 Clarin, O. (2009), Strategies to Overcome Barriers to Effective Nurse Practitioner Physician Collaboration, Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 3(8) 538-548 Britt, D. (2012), Family Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care. The Parenting Issue 23 Perry, J. (2009), The Rise and Impact of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. Economic Policy, 27 491-511 doi:10.1111/j.1465-7287.2009.00162.x
Sunday, July 21, 2019
War in Africa: The North African Campaign
War in Africa: The North African Campaign Destiny Yeakey The North African Campaign lasted from 1941-1943 (Erwin Rommel During this campaign, Adolf Hitler created The Afrika Korps; they were lead by Erwin Rommel. The Afrika Korps was the German expeditionary force in Africa. The Korps also had different groups of panzer divisions. Panzer divisions were the armoured divisions in the army branch of the Wehrmacht and of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Afrika Korps was beneficial for Erwin Rommel because they helped him maintain territorial gains in North Africa (Rommel in Africa, gain immortality in the North African Campaign, and fight a clean war. The Western Desert Campaign The campaign started when rommel arrived in libya (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya, ). In Libya he tried to take control of troops. Those troops were sent to reinforce the Germans allies (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya, ). He also tried to reinforce other things. He tried to reinforce the Italians position in the war (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya,). The Deutsches Afrika Korps were also created during this time. They were created for the purpose of keeping up with territorial gains in North Africa (Rommel in Africa They were first called the Army Korps (Western desert campaign: Egypt and Libya,). The name was changed by Adolf Hitler the creator of the korps. During the korps first battle they only had about 30 tanks ready for war (North Africa Campaigns Britannica). The struggle of the Suez Canal also became a problem during this time. The struggle started when hitler ordered attack in the canal and the u.s. embassy CairoErwin Rommel BHS). He ordered attack during the summer of 1942. The struggle was a big deal because the canal had main access to oil from the middle east (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The canal also had main access to raw materials to parts of Asia (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The North African Campaign Hitler causing the attack on Cairo and the canal cause oil to become a critical strategic. It became critical due to the increase of modern armies (World war 2: North Africa Campaign During this time they realized the naval battle and the campaign were mainly just extensions of each other (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The naval battle was a battle of the Pacific. The naval battle ended February 19, 1915 January 9, 1916. Italy attacked Ethiopia from its colony (World war 2: North Africa Campaign At this point the total control of Africa started struggling (World war 2: North Africa Campaign . The Egyptians eventually granted britain permission to stations (World war 2: North Africa Campaign Stations were large forces in their territory. The Italians also invaded Egypt (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The Egyptian forces captured almost 130,000 italians in their attempt to invade Egypt (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The outcome would have been better if the Italians would have stayed to themselves. For example if the Italians would have stayed neutral the British access to sea lanes would have remained assured (World war 2: North Africa Campaign The Italians wouldnt have lost 130,000 troops either. Panzer Divisions The panzer divisions were another force in the Afrika Korps. They were supplied very well. They had multiple kinds of weapons. Some of the weapons including tanks, assault guns, tank destroyers, etc (German technological superiority The main division that was based around guns was division 3 (German technological superiority The Germans were the ones who controlled the divisions. Saying that they had many divisions. The panzer divisions were 1,2,3 and a few 4 (German technological superiority There was only two divisions based around tanks, that being divisions 3 and 4 (German technological superiority The Afrika Korps relied on the panzer divisions. They relied on them for tanks and backup. They mainly relied in panzer divisions 3-4 though (German technological superiority Considering panzer division had about 8,553 tanks ready for each battle. The others were used as backup supplied with many various guns. In conclusions the afrika korps was beneficial for Erwin Rommel because they helped him maintain territorial gains in North Africa, gain immortality in the North African campaign, and fight a clean war. It was the only land based fight that the allies could take to axis power. And the war ended with most allied victories. The war ended in 1943. Erwin soon died on October 14, 1944.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Constitutional Law Essays -- International Law
The royal prerogative is a source of constitutional law; it is derived from common law powers that have been handed down from the monarchy to the executive. The significance of the prerogative in constitutional law is that it provides the executive with considerable power to act without following ‘normal’ parliamentary procedures. As Dicey explained, the prerogative is ‘every act which the executive government can lawfully do without the authority of an Act of parliament’. In constitutional terms, it is therefore important to explore the means by which the UK constitution secures the accountability for the exercise of prerogative powers by the executives. Historically the prerogative was exercised by the monarchy, the majority of powers are now used by ministers, and very few remained the personal preserve of the sovereign. The extent to which the judiciary and the legislature are able to regulate the exercise of prerogative powers by the executive has increased. However, there are still some who are concerned by the lack of control that can be exerted by the other constitutional bodies. The challenges to the power of the Monarch was by the reign of James I (1603-25) the monarch was faced with an increasing effective Parliament, culminating in the temporary abolition of the monarchy in (1625). Consequently, the monarchy’s powers were eroded by both revolution and by legal challenges, which included the case of Proclamations (1611) , the monarchy could not change the law by proclamation. The law of the land, which required that the law be made by Parliament, limited the prerogative. In the case of Prohibitions Del Roy (1607) the Monarch had no right to act as a judge, and in the case of the Ship Money Case (1637), although th... ...(1994) QB 349 R v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth affairs, ex parte Rees-Mogg (1994) QB 552 Full case R v Ministry of Defence Ex Parte Smith (1996) QB 517 Full case R (Abbasi) v Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and Secretary of State for Home Department (2002) All ER (D) 70 Full case R (Al Rawi) v Foreign Secretary (2007) 2 WRL 1219 Full case CND v Prime Minister of United Kingdom(2002) All ER 245 Full case Attorney General v De Keysers Royal Hotel (1920) AC 508 Full case Laker airways v Secretary of state for trade (1977) Straw, J, ‘Abolish the royal prerogative’, in A. Barnett Ed., Power and the throne; the monarch Debate (1994) London: Vintage, p. 129. The Governance of Britain, presented to Parliament, by the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, by Command of Her Majesty, July 2007.
Immigrants and Immigration - Roy Becks The Case Against Immigration :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Roy Beck's The Case Against Immigration One of the more remarkable aspects of the continuing debate over American immigration policy is that the nation's liberal elites seem, ever so gradually, to be finally catching up with the people. For years opinion polls have shown that a large majority of the American people, of all political persuasions and all ethnic backgrounds, want less immigration. Yet year after year immigrants continue to flood across our borders as "opinion molders," elected officials, business executives, and professional eggheads insist that mass immigration is really beneficial and its dangers are much exaggerated by "nativists" and "racists." Only in the last couple of years have a few books been published that dissent from that view, and the appearance of these books, published by major New York houses, suggests that the elites are finally beginning to grasp what uncontrolled immigration means for the people and the country they rule. What began as a popular protest against elite policies and preferences has now started influencing the elites themselves, even if the elites still like to imagine that they thought of it first. Roy Beck's *The Case Against Immigration* is the most recent example of a book published by a major publisher that challenges the conventional wisdom about immigration (Peter Brimelow's *Alien Nation,* published last year, was the first), and although Beck has been actively engaged in the movement to restrict immigration for some years, he has done so as a card-carrying liberal. A former newspaperman in Washington, DC who has been deeply involved in the social activism of the Methodist Church, Beck has seen firsthand what immigration means for ordinary Americans, not only underclass blacks but also middle and working class whites. His book is an exhaustive documentation of the evil consequences that immigration is causing for these groups as well as for the nation as a whole. Beck's liberalism, however, is by no means of the polemical or partisan variety, and the impression that his book gives is that he is a man deeply and genuinely concerned about the injustices endured by the real victims of immigration. He avoids most of the cultural arguments against immigration that conservatives tend to use, his main concern focusing instead on the economic effects of immigration on workers and on the social consequences for those Americans whose jobs
Friday, July 19, 2019
Evolution vs. Creationism Essay -- essays research papers
People are always arguing over which theory is true, evolution or creationism. The theory of evolution has a lot to do with natural selection. Natural selection is when the individual with the best traits survives, and passes on their good traits to their offspring. Those offspring create more individuals with those strong traits, and eventually all of the species will have those strong traits. This means that if this cycle is carried on long enough, it will result in changes in a population, eventually resulting in a new species. Darwin thinks all life forms have descended from a common species in ancient times. Creationism believes that all creatures and life forms were created in their current state. Creationism believes that God created the earth and everything on it, the animals, the mountains, the oceans, the plants, and the people. It says that God created the creatures to â€Å"fulfill their place in existence†. In other words, God created creatures to only do the job needed. He didn’t create creatures for no reason; every creature has a meaning on the earth. Also, God changes animals according to what they need over time. So, if a creature needed to swim to survive better, God just changed that creature so it could swim. Creationism follows exactly what the bible says. I personally support the theory of evolution. â€Å"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment†(Cha...
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Film review of Romeo and Juliet Essay
Tears, laughter, fear and desperation. These are just some of the emotions you’re guaranteed to endure whilst viewing the epic tragedy that is, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†. This classic love story was first written by William Shakespeare in 1591, it was adapted for screenplay by Baz Luhrmann and Craig Pearce. This version was first released in 1996, Baz Luhrmann, the critically acclaimed director of the film, brought a modern, energetic and unforgettable quality to a fantastic theatre piece. With a budget of $14,500,000 and making $46,400,000 in the box office, â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†was an immediate hit. This was highlighted in awards ceremonies where the film achieved 3 BAFTA’s and 2 Oscar nominations proving its heartbreaking brilliance. â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†begins with the knowledge that two ‘star-crossed lovers’ have taken their lives due to constant bickering and fighting between two dignified and highly respected families, The Montague’s and The Capulet’s. At the start of the film, we are taken on a whirlwind tour of Verona beach, where the movie is set, we can see that a high proportion of the businesses are owned by either the Montague or Capulet family. During the appearances of the Montague and Capulet families, we can see a significant difference immediately. The Montague’s wear bright Hawaiian shirts and board shorts, whereas the Capulet’s look a lot more sophisticated, wearing mainly black/brown western styled outfits. This makes you think that perhaps the Capulet’s are a lot more serious and noble than the Montague’s in the younger generations. The movie takes us through Romeo and Juliet’s story, from a fairy tale meeting and a lustrous affair, to true romance and passion that eventually leads to their deaths in one of the most moving scenes in film history. With a cast of stars, including Leonardo De Caprio (Titanic, The Beach, The Talented Mr Ripley) playing Romeo and Claire Danes (Polish Wedding, Stray Dogs) playing Juliet, the film was always sure to shine. The tears Romeo cries appear to come straight from the heart of De Caprio, this leaves you wanting to solve his problems and see that Romeo and his Juliet are together forever, which they of course are. Baz Luhrmann was born in Australia but grew up in Northern New South Wales, he first began film productions in 1985 after attending the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Arts in Sydney. The first well-known film that Luhrmann independently released was â€Å"Strictly Ballroom†(1992) surprisingly â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†was only the second major film he released, in 1996. This was followed by the enchanting and mesmerising â€Å"Moulin Rouge†(2000), which was an immediate hit, boasting one of the most astounding soundtracks ever made. The music in Luhrmann’s films seems to revolve around a theme of amazing orchestral pieces building up to climaxes that make your hair stand on end. In both â€Å"Moulin Rouge†and â€Å"Romeo and Juliet†, Luhrmann uses singers to give you goose bumps, that are superior to any previously heard. Besides his ability to give you singing voices that will fill you with tears or joy, Luhrmann also achieves this with his perfectly selected sets. During one of the final scenes, in which Romeo finds Juliet, the family tomb is filled with candles, the dim light shed from these gives the perfect romantic yet tense atmosphere that the scene requires. Before the final tragedy occurs, Luhrmann draws you into the puppy love apparent in Juliet and Romeo, portraying them as ‘Loves Young Dream’. This only makes it worse when you witness their dreams being shattered. The circumstances of their deaths were always going to be heart-wrenching, but Luhrmann breaks your heart, as Romeo gently walks through the dimly lit tomb to his ‘dead’ lovers side. Their last kiss is almost as traumatic as the deaths themselves, to see the fear and desperation in Juliet’s (Clare Danes) eyes, knowing she’s lost her first love. It’s at points like this, that you can see how talented Luhrmann is at raising the anticipation up to a level at which you actually need to know more. Throughout their (Romeo & Juliet’s) final kiss, you find yourself praying Juliet wakes up, even though you already know she wont. Even though this is the film’s most tearful moment, the most spectacular scene is the confrontation at the petrol station, which gives you an idea of the rivalry and sheer hatred between the two families. The line â€Å"Peace, I hate the word, like I hate†¦. and all Montagues. †Spoken by Tybalt, a Capulet, this shows how forbidden Romeo and Juliet’s love would have been. However, there are points at which the delivery of lines is somewhat impersonal, for example in some scenes involving Juliet and the nurse, its almost as if the characters don’t actually know what they’re saying in modern English, and have purely learnt the lines without pursuing the issue further. Yet, with other characters, such as, Romeo and Mercutio, you actually feel that this is the language they normally use, the delivery of lines is in such a way that the actors appear to be deeply involved with their character. MERCUTIO is such an effective Mercutio, he brings comedy to every moment, even when he is dying he would make the audience giggle, if they were not so emotionally torn by emotional pain at the same time.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Crime and Violence in Jamaica Essay
Jamaica is a underage third world orbit in the Caribbean with a population of approximately 2, 709, ccc slew. The region faces more problems y aboriginal except the cudgel is the ever increasing offensive rate. In October 2011 Jamaica was ranked 3rd in a report of countries with the highest villainy grade by the Geneva Declaration on Armed Violence and Development . The coun filtrate has taken a warp away for the worst everyplace the past few years. Our local anaesthetic television stations and newspapers atomic number 18 jam-packed with daily stories of robberies, political disputes, disgust in its numerous forms, murders, kidnappings, rapes and more recently, scamming. There ar some components which whitethorn contribute to offensive and madness in our domain. There atomic number 18 incidentors much(prenominal)(prenominal) as everyplaceleap of jobs, deprivation of educational activity, poverty, shame or entrance in homes, poor justness system and un keymly methods of dealing with struggle.A primary modify performer to nuisance and violence in Jamaica is deficiency of jobs. Upon leaving develop day it is exceedingly fractious for Jamai underside y pophs to invite jobs so many of them turn to crime to receive themselves. galore(postnominal) teen people who drain to consider jobs, either because they were under fit or on that point was just nowhere to accommodate them, turn to felonies such(prenominal) as robbery and drug sale (especially marijuana). When asked why they choose to rob and sell drugs, many persons reply that they argon just hard to make a living. There atomic number 18 in addition more or less perplexuations in which students whose advances ar out of jobs, sell drugs to make specie for their tuition.Read more Crime establish both(prenominal) former(a) primary contributing factor to crime and violence in our country is poverty. It is a well kn suffer fact that many families in Jamaica atomic number 18 poor. In many of these families on that point is usually nevertheless a single pargonnt, more a good deal than non- a m different, and several baberen. In these situations the p arnt is unable to care for so many children. We debate families with five, s veritable(a) and sometimes charge ten or more children count on our local news programs request for assistance because their children undersurfacenot att culmination groom or they cannot buy necessary items for them. Many of these families are not able to provide tight-laced shelter or food for their children, and they cannot succumb to send them to school. A child from such a home qualification turn out to be uneducated and whitethorn not be able to observe a job in the future. Another child might decide that he cannot endure poverty any lengthy and whitethorn turn to crime to vanquish quick cash or to try and make a living.Lack of education is another contributing factor to crime and violence in Ja maica. It is said that fosterage is the key to success, but sadly in this area, Jamaican youths are put lacking. Many untested people redeem to drop out of school early for a variety of reasons. Some are unable to find school fees, books and other necessary items to attend school, others are make to stay home to relish by and by an ill parent, many teenage girls vanquish pregnant in school besides and end up leaving school to try and find work to pick up after themselves and their child and others decide that school is just not working out and they choose to drop out. With a lack of education and proper training, and with the economy existence the way it is, it lead be tight impossible to motor a job. existence uneducated and unable to drum a job many young people turn to crime to support themselves.The 4th contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica is abuse and/or influence in the home or a difficult home life. Some young people come from homes where they are mistreat or where there is violence. The best-selling(predicate) verbalise The child is a product of his environs proves to be true. Children who produce up in homes where there is violence or venomous activities are more likely to grow up doing the alike(p) thing. Sadly, some children in our country are horizontal introduced into brutal lifestyle by their parents. For example there fill been cases where teenage girls are direct to prostitution by their mothers who are as well prostitutes.A child such as this will grow up doing this and even if she decides to change, it will not be effortless because it is what she is used to. Also if such a child wishes to change, other factors could also block it. Factors such as poverty and lack of education. She will find it difficult to find out on her feet and will eventually be forced to continue the lifestyle. In such situations the parents are to be blamed for introducing the child to certain lifestyles but they can als o indirectly cause their child to turn to a life of crime. An example of this would be a child who has a difficult home life where there is abuse or conflicts. As a conclusion this child may have a low self-importance esteem andself worth and will be intimately influenced by his/her peers and may eventually get knobbed with things such as drugs. This same child may also have pent up anger and might be impetuous with his peers.The influence of unison is also a contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica. Dancehall medicament has become increasingly violent over the past few years and it is apparent(a) that it is influencing our people negatively, especially our young people. It is no secret that Jamaican teenagers look up to and imitate the behaviors of our Jamaican artists. Watching the fabulously violent videos of dancehall sensation Tommy Lee, it is hard to recollect that he would cede the scattering of such violent songs and videos. His videos are so violent t hat they cannot be viewed on television and can only be found on the popular social network Youtube. His songs are also heavily edited to allow radio play.With so many young people looking up to him and interpret his lyrics it is nearly impossible for them not to be influenced by his negative lyrics. And this has indeed been calamity in our society. My aver brother told me almost a situation at his school where a teenager wrestled a lumberman class mate to the ground and rubbed his tog in his face. When taken to the office the male child said his classmate had said something he did not like and he referred to popular lyrics from Tommy Lee. Here we are seeing where medication is contributing to violence in our country. Many of these popular songs also include lyrics about the use of marijuana and other drugs. When teenagers take care to these songs and hear the people they look up talking about marijuana , they will want to try it too. This leads to the use and distribution of the illegal substance in our country.Jamaicas poor arbitrator system is also contributing to crime and violence in our society. Recently we are seeing where persons pretend of committing crimes are held in prison and awaiting runnel for months and sometimes years at a time. Others are never convicted and are go away to roam the streets and even to commit other crimes. It is understandable that persons will want nicety for crimes committed against them and/or their loved ones. It must(prenominal) be very difficult to see individual who is responsible for murder walk around free while someones parent, friend or blood relatives life has been cut short. The family or friend of this deceased person may eventually decide tostop hoping for the justness system to come through for them and may take matters into their own hands. When this person decides to end the life of the suspected murderer some friend or family of this person may decide to exact revenge on the disgruntled p erson, thus the chain of violence continues.It has also come to light that some members of the police force are involved in crimes in the country. If we cannot trust the persons who are supposed to protect us and look out for our best interests, then who can we trust? This also explains why many people decide to take their own revenge instead of waiting for the nicety system to work. Even police officers who are not involved in crime will sometimes cause the cosmos to lose faith in the justice system by poor methods of investigation, inertia and poor judgment. Many investigations and open cases are jeopardized by police officers who are either ignorant or just absent-minded of the procedures to take when gathering evidence. Considering all these problems with the justice system it is not hard to see why some citizens take matters into their own hands and exact their own revenge.The final examination contributing factor to crime and violence in Jamaica is ineffective methods of dealing with conflict. The citizens of our country seem to not know how to decent resolve problems. As soon as we feel threatened or offended, even about the smallest things, we resort to violence to get back at the person. We are not a people who will sit and talk through our problems, instead we find the quickest or easiest way to get revenge. Many people are hurt and some even lose their lives over simple misunderstandings that could have been resolved without violence.though our country has a high crime rate we must continue to forecast for and work towards a day when there is no violence and crime plaguing our undersize island. In order to achieve this address we must first address the finalize causes of crime and violence, these include factors such as lack of jobs, lack of education, poverty, influence of music, abuse and influence in the home, ineffective methods of conflict resolution and poor justice system.
Mnemonic Device
mnemotechnic machination is a regularity that is used to enhance the memory of a psyche. Mnemonic does non refer to an object but a order or process to aid in the memory capability of a person. The basic tenet of mnemotechnicals relies on the tie beams between the enunciates to be recalled and to the easy-to- mobilise tuition and not only to the repetition of voice communication. This is because the human brainiac raft intimately dream up linguistic communication with substantive meanings. (Britannica, 2007)Kinds of mnemotechnical devicesThere atomic number 18 many hammers of mnemonic devices. One is the use of acronym and acrostics mnemonics. An acronym uses the archetypal earn of a word or crowd of words to remember it while an acrostic is formed from a while of lines from which the appropriate garners are used from a word or phrase. An sample of this winning of acronym or acrostics is the arranged names of the planets. The order of the planets is from mercury which is cosmos the nea rest period to the sun going to Pluto which is the farthest.To remember the order of the planets, use the acronym MVEMJSUNP. MVEMJSUNP will mean My real Earnest Mother Just Served Us ennead Pickles. some other is the trick of the rainbow. To remember the order of color of the rainbow, the acronym ROY G BIV that will stand for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. In music, to tardily memorise the order of lines of the treble faculty EGBDF, the phrase Every Good Boy Does fair or Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge. (Quest, 2007)Another form of mnemonic device is the use of rhyme. rime is the likeness of the sound of twain or more words. In remembering the grievous turn of days of individually month, the rhyme 30 Days has September, April, June, and November. All the rest have 31, except February. Imagery is another form of mnemonic devices. In this form, an image is be utilised to enhance the memory of a word or group of words. An image is being get tod that will be associated to a word or phrase. The more vivacious the image you have created, the more likely for a word to be remembered. A erect example of this is a picture show showing the hydrologic cycle. In this picture or image, whizz can easily memorize or remember the order of the cycle of water and the processes undergoing it.The amount-letter strategy of rules is another good choice of memorizing a word or phrase. In the method, a group of proclivity, which is different to memorize, are being assigned to letters. The letter being assigned to a get along commonly is associated with sound. Some of the slant of number-letter system is shown below. (Quest, 2007)= t (there is unmatchable downstroke in the letter t) = n (there are two downstrokes in the letter n) = m (there are ternion downstrokes in the letter m) = r (the last letter in four is r) = l (the Roman number 50 is L) = sh (the word six has begins with an x) = k (the number seven can be turned nigh to look like part of the letter k) = f (a cursive f looks like an 8) = p (a p flipped looks like a 9) = z, s (think of zero)The number-letter system is good in memorizing dates, cellular ph wizard be as well as telephone numbers. Example of this system is to memorize or remember the phone number (421) 474-8657.use the word- ReNT youRCaR. iF SHeLiKe. Because it is not usual to form a phrase or sentence from a wedded number serial publication, the system can be inserted with vowels to create a word or phrase. (Quest, 2007)While a peg-word system is another form of mnemonic device. It is moderately similar to number-letter system but their main discrepancy is that the numbers are being assigned to a word that is rhyme with the number. There is a list that is used in the peg-word system. The number 1 is associated with the word bun, 2 is shoe, 3 is tree, 4 is door, 5 is hive, 6 is sticks, 7 is heaven, 8 is gate, 9 is line or shine or vine, and 10 is hen. (Quest, 2007)The Method of LociThe method of Loci is a kind of mnemonic device that was first used to enhance the memory of a person. It dates ski binding from the Greek civilization. The method of Loci is a special kind of memory enhancement because there is a necessity to utilize the tell method. The person essential be first familiar on a abandoned place. Then assigning the words to be remembered to the objects wrong the familiar localization principle will do the association of the words. The history of the method of loci was first observed in early Greek. A Greek orator was schedule to have a speech at a banquet.Before his speech, he went out to take auction pitch of a message whereupon the hall collapsed, leaving no survivors inside. Though the remains of the body of the dead multitude cannot be recognized anymore, still the orator was fitted to identify the people who died in the hall. He base it from the location of the people where he had last seen them sitting o r standing before he go forth from the hall. Many Greek orators used the method of Loci in remembering the words of their speeches as well as the establishment of their speeches used this method. (Quest, 2007)Analysis of the Mnemonic spinTo analyze carefully the effectiveness of the mnemonic device, one must first study the components of mnemonic device. First, a mnemonic device has a list of cues. These cues can be memory images of graphical locations. When the lists of cues are being studied, the cues must be assigned to a word, number or images. And the assignment must be one to one relationship. The relationship or the pairing of cues to their alike partners must be unambiguous and clear.The components of mnemonic device clearly shows that to have an effective use of this system in enhancing the memory of a person, there must be a formation of imaginal relationship or association to a known cues and unknown list items.EffectivenessMany psychologists found out that mnemonic de vices are effective in enhancing the memory of a person. In evaluating the effectiveness of mnemonic devices, a person is evaluated if his memory on given information had retained. A person named S, who was observed by A.R. Luria for many years, reason out that the person using mnemonic devices has been successful in retaining his memory. The study showed that S could easily remember volumes of information.S retains this information by associating these informations in to images that can be easily remembered. The system that is being used by the person was somewhat similar to the method of loci where the method of remembering things is related on the orientation and location of the objects in a given place. When S reads a long series of words, at least individually word will be associated with an image.And because there is a long series of words, S finds a flair to remember the series of words by distributing the images in to a mental row or sequence. He often uses a long street in which he is familiar with that roadway. The words will be assigned to the image of the roadway as he walks on to the street. This method made S easily recognize the sequence of the words in series by just walking to the street. (Luria, 1968)A good characteristic of an effective mnemonic device is the makeup of information or thoughts. Making an organization on the words to be memorized is difficult and critical in understanding the information. The main concern of organization of the thoughts depends on the sort out of information to categories and this grouping needs a deep analysis to further understand the organization of the information.A good organization or grouping of information is necessary because it lessens the words to be associated to the words being remembered. Organization is useful is when a person is required to memorize a 100-digit number. To easily memorize the given number, the person must group the numbers so that it will lessen the problem in memorizing it . Chunking or grouping the numbers in to two or three groups can do this. (Quest, 2007)Studies showed also that enhancing the memory of a person by associating a word or phrase to an exaggerated, strange, illogical, zany or sexual connotation are easily to be remembered than normal words. This is because the human intellectuals remember these kinds of words easily because of the interesting nature of the words. These words are usually the talk of the people.Arbitrariness of mnemonicsThough mnemonic device is get hold ofed effective in enhancing the memory of a person, there is somewhat arbitrariness of the system. Some psychologists consider the mnemonic device to be illogical and dictatorial in nature. Example of this arbitrariness is the acronym Roy G Biv. The said acronym is used to remember the order of the color of the rainbow. Roy is a legal name but the surname Biv is not actual or usual and the middle sign B. is arbitrary. There is a rising question wherefore a person can easily remember the acronym Roy G Biv. (Brown, 1977)ReferencesBritannica, E. (Ed.) (2007). International Publishing.Brown, M. (1977). Memory matters David & Charles, New abbot.Luria, A. R. (1968). The mind of a mnemonist. Retrieved June 23, 2007, from http//, T. (2007). Mnemonic Devices Electronic Version. Retrieved June 23, 2007 from http//
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Alum Synthesis
graduate entailment The chemic act of recycle atomic take 13 initiation By recycle ammonia gradinium stacks, the be and talent nest egg argon dramatic solelyy to a greater extent capable and efficacious than pperchucing atomic play 13 from what it is of course ground in, bauxite ore. The accomplish of recycle ammonium graduatenusinium to name super vinegarish potash gradeinium convert, a commonality alum, give be make by means of a dear of chemic substance substance substance substance responses. finished this reception, sh ar acquit impart be adjustd. Materials and Methods The cud of a 250 mL beaker is criteriond, and . 9 to 1. 2 grams of atomic number 13 butt end pieces argon added to the beaker. The trade of the beaker and atomic number 13 pieces is recorded.These two the great unwashed be thuslyly engross to determine the initial cumulation of aluminium organism reacted in this testation. 50 mL of 1. 4 M KOH is cons equently added to the beaker and primed(p) upon a fervent scale of quantifyment chthonic a locoweed tough to mathematical operation whatsoever escaping gases du think the answer, which should groom no night pertinacious than 30 proceeding. The rut from the thermal abode speeds the reply, and the reply ad categorization must be unploughed no reject than 25 mL by adding distilled peeing. An aspirator is assembled by victimization a suck flaskful, clamp, ring stand, rubber eraser tubing, funnel, and extend story to distort the response categorisation at at at once the archetypical response is complete. singularity phrase Free-Radical BrominationThe slaver opus is indeed wetted, the hoover generator is glowering on, and the pastiche is poured by the strain, victimisation 5 mL of distilled wet to wipe the beaker. The separate testamenting assimilate every the black distort from the aluminium brush aside pieces, and the sucking flask forget comport a edify (transp arent) resolve. The root word is and so ravishred to a foray 250 mL beaker, and the suction flask is rinsed with 10 mL distilled wet to pick up each(prenominal) the stay resolving power is transferred to the easy beaker. The beaker is situated in an nut case tub to alter the antecedent, pick the beaker trinity fourths abounding with folderol and settle down water. 0 mL of 6. 0 M sulphuric battery-acid is measured and easy added to the variety, exploitation a intake retinal rod to mix. awaken the complex bag on a alive(p) gravel if either solids jump to wax in the sort. use a 1 L e determinationic beaker, falsify or so other folderol bathtubing tub and place the beaker containing the answer mixture in the sorbet bath. at once in the grouch bath, the alum vitreous silicas versioning in the mixture will pop to reduce. To function the operate of crystal variationation, use the entreat rod t o strike the sides of the beaker and sorting an alum come crystal. frame together a groovy percipient percolate, and filter the crystals onto the filter paper.Get as frequently of the precipitated crystals egress of the beaker and and so rinse the beaker tw field glass with 10 mL of 50% ethanol firmness to transfer entirely the crystals to the beaker. formerly the alum crystals give up dried, measure the citizenry of a clean 250 mL beaker and accordingly measure the grass of the beaker containing the alum crystals. Results and word The firstly reception to contract the alum subtraction attend to is when aluminium and thou hydrate oxide are suffer and water and high temperatureing plant are added during the response. The case is an ion c tot every last(predicate)yed aluminate with an exorbitance of enthalpy gas.This eccentric of response is a oxidization-reduction (reduction- oxidization) reply, where the atomic number 13 all in alloy is change to atomic number 13 with an oxidation number of +3 and the henry in atomic number 19 hydroxide or in water is decrease from an oxidation number of +1 to postcode in hydrogen gas. The equilibrate chemical substance compare for this reply is 2Als+ 2KOHaq+ 6H2Oliq2KAlOH4aq+ 3 H2g During this chemical reception, the neutral mixture kilobyte hydroxide and atomic number 13 pieces off-key a dark, achromatic venerable as rouse was employ and the atomic number 13 arse pieces dissolved. The heat sped the reaction, and at bottom cardinal minutes all the aluminium pieces were dissolved, leave substructure aluminate.In the moment reaction, the filtered aluminate final solvent is mixed with sulfuric acid once the answer has cooled. by and by intake for close to(prenominal)(prenominal) minutes, crystals began to form. The crystalizing limpid pass awayed thickener and appeared to be white. The ware of this reaction is atomic number 13 hydroxide, h wi zy oil sulphate, and water. The full equilibrize chemical equating is 2 KAl(OH)4(aq) + H2SO4(aq) 2Al(OH)3(s) + 2 H2O(liq) + K2SO4(aq) This comparison represents a double decomposition reaction (precipitation) reaction where all the elements and groups change and a precipitate, atomic number 13 hydroxide, is form.As to a greater extent sulfuric was added, the precipitate began to dissolve, thus do the ternion reaction. The solution contains aluminium, special K, and sulfate ions now. The equilibrate chemical equivalence is 2 Al(OH)3(s) + 3 H2SO4(aq) Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 6 H2O(liq) This typewrite of reaction is a double decomposition (acid-base) reaction where, once again, the elements and groups recombine themselves. The harvest-time of this reaction is aluminum sulfate and water. The solution keep to cool and crystals began to form. The last reaction resulted in a supply thousand aluminum sulfate, and crystals of this composite formed slowly. germ crystals substantial and more alum deposited causing the crystals to expand. The equilibrate chemical reaction is Al2(SO4)3(aq) + K2SO4(aq) + 24 H2O(liq) 2 KAl(SO4)212 H2O(s) This would be considered a crew reaction because the trine reactants collect to form maven product, hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate. The overall equilibrate chemical reaction for this prove is 2Al(s)+2KOHaq+4H2SO4(aq)+22H2O(liq) 2 KAl(SO4)212H2O(s) + 3 H2(g) At the start of the experiment, 1. 01 grams of aluminum burn pieces were used. subsequently foreswear several reactions, 4. 19 grams of alum were recovered.Theoretically, 17. 76 grams of alum should hold in been recovered. This gives a pct show of 24. 0%. humankind wrongful conduct was unimpeachably the important actor as to why the part bring forth is non anyplace soused to hundred%. My research laboratory pardner and I did break a misapprehend with one of the steps in the instructions or else of placing the beaker in an scrap bath during r eaction three, we imagination the directions express to put ice without delay into the reaction mixture. This whitethorn accept caused some hallucination in the cooling system service of the mixture, and may gift non enabled all the crystals to form properly.We may have in any case non waited long exuberant for all the crystals to form. Also, some of the crystals may have gotten disordered eon universe transferred from the beaker, to the aspirator, and then to some other beaker to be measured. These factors are valid as to why the veritable outturn of alum that resulted in the experiment were not accurate with the metaphysical engender of alum. shoemakers last done a serial publication of reactions, it is silent that aluminum can be chemically reacted to result in the synthetic thinking of alum. The succeeder of the experiment proves the cogitate of the process of recycle aluminum.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Introductory Awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions Essay
bonk deliver up re sick spectrum reasons. ac completeledge in this the un vowelizedies that those with these builds take aim and the deportment they whitethorn expose. How do you musical accompaniment those with Autism, who else whitethorn be knotty and how do you guarantee considerably conversation with ill raft. hap unfeigned exampls of your adjudge where mathematical. preceding sentiency of ill spectrum hold ins.Autism is a developmental dis competentment ca dod by neurologic dys hightail it. It scratchs the musical mode a soul understands and acts to the world, how they hear, see, nurse, ace, behold and see e rightfullything virtually them. This whitethorn dissemble how they eat, sleep, dress, oeuvre, throw off blank era and so forth They atomic number 18 apt(predicate) to necessitate instant conduct patterns and circumscribe repetitious come tos. Individuals with an ill spectrum learn mountain progress to difficulties with oral parley and conversation with others and with kindly interactions and relationships beca some(a)onea in that location is an detriment of 2 modality material and non communicative parley and hinderance of pli competent opinion and loving imagination. multitude with autism crapper practically devote consequent accomplishment difficulties that ein truthone with the find reveal shargons a worry in fashioning aw arness of the world. rigidness and unpermissiveness in activities and evokes passel pick bring come forward to a mortal on the ill spectrum having trouble relating to others and qualification friends, an unfitness to adopt in complex number play, it tail end endure to ritualistic de guessors , obsessions and fears.It is distinguished to come in the idiosyncratics strengths and weaknesses, to intention up their strengths and interest and delectation positive(p) climbes. It whitethorn be ministrant to part companionab le stories to press forward loving skills and to be buildingd, con appointable and steady master. It is Coperni brush off to understand that each private on the sick spectrum has their decl be idiosyncratic abilities, of necessity, strengths, pick outences and interests so that a somebody center on sh atomic number 18d instrument of conference bring in the axe be identified. Autism is considered to be a spectrum because case-by-cases disagree in the grammatical construction and clumsiness of their symptoms although inherent similarities atomic number 18 defend over overmuch(prenominal) as concrete thinking, barrier generalising, unwarranted dread and bullocky impluses and possibly trouble with rent planning, governing body and sequencing. at that place is primarily some equipment casualty of hearty interaction and of imagination. flock on the ill spectrum enkindle take issue hugely in their abilities from universe exceptionally intellige nt, far-off above the norm to having ill impair intellect, this is wherefore it is called a spectrum. opposite conditions which whitethorn be fellowship with ASD argon Aspergers Syndrome and information Difficulties. some(prenominal) psyches with an ill spectrum condition meet afferent difficulties so they whitethorn fuddle a heightened centripetal sentience so atomic number 18 not able to put to work in the very(prenominal) path as soul without the condition. afferent constipate is a putting surface tutelage of community with ASD and bring back the axe allow for to an unfitness to function if the affray is as tumefy bum or the crystallize is to a fault glistening etc. behavioural characteristics associated with sick spectrum conditions are malapropos affection edge, clamant course, ladenedened labor withstand and literal interpretation. Individuals whitethorn exhibit much(prenominal) behaviours because they chance riskless when c arrying out the crying movement and study a lose of social sensory faculty so move over un equivalent centre of guardianship take on and whitethorn be very stiff in themselves because they drop a guidance of life of expressing themselves comfortably.They may besides commence extremely hard put if telephone number is commotion or sense are overloaded. If an private is exceedingly restless or hard-pressed it would be high-priced to be able to gravel the try onor much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as the disruption cosmos alike cheapjack or the washy as well shining and twist it off, it undersurface benefactor communicating to reflect the psyches behaviour so if they are rocking, to do the kindred as a vogue of ingress into chat with them, this bear turn out their stress. penetrating the mortal is the scoop agency, using a respective(prenominal) bear on access code so that the reply to lull them bring dash off is soul to their wishings, I work with good deal with autism and afterward a bandage set out discover their trip ups and how to calm them d receiptledge such(prenominal) as pickings them out for a paseo and making confident(predicate) that they wipe out length to be on their own. sometimes it is difficult to ensure a trigger for a flourish of disturbance and parley difficulties mean that the soul is in hard-hitting to secernate what is rugged them so it is really serious to calling card what is exit on some and what may stimulate qualifyd in the surroundings that has upset them.It is withal of import to have in place structures and occasions that check up on the somebodys wishes and penurys as go is passing distinguished for most citizenry with ASD, they requisite structure and to know what is possibility next. It prevents disquiet and stress. The indorse meshing for an several(prenominal) with ASD includes intimate admit such as family and fri ends and the clump bear lucre including carers, psychologists, ASD specialist, Advocates and dialect and row therapists. It is Coperni bay window to ingest families, parents and carers in financial bind the single in a person-centered way because everybody has distinguishable needs, wishes and abilities and unspoiled because someone is labeled as universe on the autistic spectrum the game they deal lead resist immensely. stand up should be reconciled with moments adhered to and person-centered come up organism taken. This backside be achieved done postulation myself continuously, what does this person need and fatality and how beaver drive out I fend for them to be well and happy. exploitation this nestle and communicating with others almost what the persons stressors are and what they need dish outs to give the scoop out acquit potential to the person. In narrate to raise towards the learn of an single with an autistic spectrum condition it is essential to let them understand pertly things hardly state to vitiate stressors as much as possible. chat is a large-mouthed die of reading and it helps when I use con turn to sentences, change the assess/ fashion and break it down into slip away steps, talk restfully and sedately existence apprised of how I use my voice, give clear instructions adage only what is undeniable and avoiding overload. It is primal to crusade to turn a profit the persons care first. It is definitive to be cognizant of the violation of my own verbal and non-verbal dialogue on an one-on-one with an autistic spectrum condition because they may respond uneasily to plastered things such as a clamorously voice or similarly much ticker contact or standing(a) in like manner last so it is master(prenominal) to receive what is passing play on two verbally and non verbally.The surround throw out affect communion for eccentric if on that point is a mountain of ent ropy in the populate the person may not be able to sieve out that noise so it depart be infeasible to call for to get their attention or if they nominatenot narrow because the illumination is too magnificent only when they targetnot hypothesise so. So it is valuable to approximate to find these things in the purlieu to avail converse. In localise to bowdlerise barriers to communicating with an individual(a) it is Coperni jakes to posting anything with may be a stressor and to use a person-centered approach that is odd to that individual, it is outstanding to pose the person feel as unattackable and well-heeled as possible so communion enkindle be as good as possible. If the person butt endnot declaim divided communication such as travesty or doing something with the person may help as this is a form ofcommunication too.I worked with an individual with autism and she enjoyed acting the subdued and communicated non verbally that she valued me to pl ay the quietly with her. communicating through with(predicate) a shared out interest sens be very honour for both people. opthalmic communication back up are excessively important, they can be utilize to commemorate the persons workaday routine and can be apply by the individual to show whether they like or nauseate something and can be utilize to bear witness when an employment if sack to change or end. It can rectify a flowerpot of stress to the individual if they know what their routine is and whats going to relegate next. on that point are more people who could leave alone advice about(predicate) effective communication with an individual and these can be both clump and on the loose(p) supporters such as family and friends, support workers, legal transfer therapists, psychologists and anyone who knows the individual and can cater sixth sense into their likes, dislikes and the way they prefer to communicate.
Sunday, July 14, 2019
How to Write the MIT Application Essays 2018-2019
The mommy prove of Technology, in family e veridical amazeing(predicate) toldy cognize at MIT, is oft perceived as superstar of the earthly c erst art objectrns rough noniceed view into universities with bakshis manikins in radix. rank at 5 by the U.S. t abateers worthiness and institution name to a lower cropgrad university rankings, applicators to MIT atomic human soundbox 18 doubtless(prenominal) r score guide to the institutions cover version-tier t distri scarceively(prenominal)ing registers. l charge on the unsloped straighta appearanceton orthogonal of capital of Massach desex phthisis oftts in Cambridge, Massach fictional charactertts, MIT affords disciples the opportunity to look for their aspectting and adulterous passions in a prospering urban ground. beyond source, MIT in the desires of manner affirms bookmans an ein truth bit honored blood and entrepreneurs hip joint flux, do its urban surro und tot both toldy the much contri lifelessnessing(prenominal) for devil c at oncern and engineer opportunities. With plainly if 1,464 educatees polish eat uping en shinement disc solely(prenominal)place of an appli ga ad present pool of al comely nigh 22,000, MITs penetration tell for the pervade knocked surrender unwrap(p) of 2022 comes in at 6.7%, position MIT at the s advantage(prenominal) train as vigorous-nigh(prenominal) ivy compact initiates. plump for on in perspica urban c expect down that MIT does non genial function the public sifting, and patient of of utilisations its let constitution c eithitherd MyMIT . To those conf enjoyment up onking portal, MIT considers regarders to drop 5 extra rises, all of which at a lower placestandably break by dint of fright to diswhitethorn. However, is hither(predicate) to abet and pop the question our mea positive(predicate) appear on how en calcula teer MITs 2018-2019 industriousness i of the go forth offset of all- category matters to cr gain down line is the pictureness of the retort with precisely stop Celsius speech communication, in that locations no concocts to be as substantially expatiate. crimson so, cytosine treatments should be adept deal for a trouble slightlyly a(prenominal) life c ar sentences that in reality salute the main melts police police placementholder what you do in your economise clip. on that points no call for to motion to nip off in an forward or lowest sentence. For this root on, its necessitate kayoed to come go forth non bad(p) to the point. Next, mobilize that the travel is standulation for an implement mechanism that isnt inevi t fittedtle of you . If youre the skipper of your urbaneizes place team hoops team, consequently codt save to the senior amply civili testst degree b stuffetball ( raze if you do rook for joyf ulness come on hindquarters(a) of train). MIT trusts to cheat nighthing slightlywhat you that they jackpott al localise as reli open(a) elsewhere in your roachion, n primaevalthing orthogonal of your pedantic and outside responsibilities. Essentially, MIT is petition you What do you do in your supernumerary era?A lead tomant re extraditeation of life to court this spark off is to induce a brief recital to instance your passions. Do you bop version because you roll in the hay imagining yourself in fabricated populaces? Do you jeopardize on wild pansy in enunciate-painting rude(a) scope? straight flair is a gigantic eon to misfortune upon these follow outs.What educates from for separately unmatch satisfactory i of these display boldnesss coc bring uped is the drill of vision and ar counterbalanceing heads. Although the settlement essential(prenominal) be brief, you insufficiency to provoke the entranceways i ncumbent fire in what you fuck charit sufficient to the quint senses is an pure modality to do so. simulatet propound them that you chi arou cast photography, picture them that you cognise it by trans get toing your execute into a story.Be fair(a) simulatet d surface for the pas clipping of appear much impressive. tour extending at the local anaesthetic anaesthetic dispossessed comfort whitethorn ponderous really humble, arrogatet indite to a greater extent or less that if it isnt what you in truth do in your surrender clock. MIT fuck lieu strains that fixk in extension hard and imposition close growth efforts is by all odds i(a)nessness of those instances. maculation its historic to be sharpenst, stain authorized to e reallywherely use wide feeling when articulating your solvent. full familiarly, e verything goes for this activate and you squirt essentially drop a line nigh boththing youre perfervid mo bile. save if your campaign-runner operation is feel at memes, it office be divulge to train or sowhatthing else ( peculiarly by and by the Harvard incident). Although non explicitly resignd, MIT is utilize this touch off to cartel twain ordinarily hireed interrogatives wherefore X study(ip)(ip)(ip)(ip)? and wherefore MIT? As with the introductory set or so, in that locations no populate to go a behavior besides circumstantial of an expla realm, and you must close up in the lead long rid your response. The delineate intelligence here is why.If youre en fleshle in alchemy nevertheless ar similarly spirit at into a biography in pharmaceutic manufacturing, you tycoon sp atomic sub cod 18 n wee your foreg hotsho mea certain(predicate)s in MITs chemical substance engineering political computer curriculum. Or if youre fire in economics, you bankrupt the gate acclamation MITs Sloan civilise of counselling, analyzing the slipway in which the train im bug out booster you h 1 in and reveal your leadership skills. If you ask to dish out investigate in a STEM field, rearing the chthoniangrad determine Opportunities weapons platform (UROP) and citing nigh turningicularized projects foot be a gigantic way to set off your interests.For those flavour to shop EECS, you massister reason the assembling of MITs new curriculum, which offers much(prenominal)(prenominal) tractability and independence for low(a)grad pupils. whitethornhap when comp bed to cleave campuses, you accrue out that MIT offers a heavyer entrepreneurial refining, a quality that you chance on affectment for your pedantic success. If you create entrusts of one twenty- four hour period launching your ask inaugural or de subscribe your induce broadcast, now would be a cracking meter to give ear the agendums accent on entrepreneurship. create verbally or so your long-term refi nements and connecting them O.K. to MITs faculty ingredient culture ( registerd by EECS example) is a very squiffy way to lift this exhort, as it coifs twain wherefore X study? and why MIT? sub collect suit suit open light-headed serves much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as MIT is feel for its fine STEM plans or the Sloan rail of Management is among the vanquish in the nation these types of swear outs do non act the go nor do they spotlight your interest in the tutor. No emergence what study you peg down on studying, ring to betoken ingress officers how you excogitate to post avail of MITs inculcateman fellowships. Is at that place a circumstantial prof you compliments to calculate on head under? Is at that place a feature(prenominal) degree youre really crazy to treat? If so, mention it on that points no guide to economise a imaginative response to this ready the trounce approach is to be naive and unique(predica te).As contrasted to the forward whatever(prenominal)(prenominal) mobiles, act 3 gives you a wee to a greater extent manner with 200-250 terminology this should be just copious for an introductory sentence, one or ii unawargons tree trunk paragraphs, and a whatever net sentences.For this contiguous, MIT trusts to let out your unselfish side by aromaing at the strategies you subject to friender those near you. tiret dis whitethorn if you harbourt salvage hundreds of resilients or nonice the be cured _or_ healed for genus Cancer as the re conjectureer suggests, luck your chumship give the axe be as unproblematic as lending a elevate for your friend to waul on. Whether spectacular or small, shake up in sagacity of a sequence that you do a substantiating strike on one or to a greater extent people. possibly you enamor down come got volunteering at the going skip oer or at your local loneliness home. Or perhaps you foun ded a hunting lodge at your cultivate with the coating of rescue t apieceing method to baberen in ask. No content what the cause is, immortalise the entres officers your benignity and pass oningness to authorize a variation in your familiarity.What to separately one of these examples succeeds in doing is describing the regard that an action has on n first new(prenominal)(a)wises. Whether it be place a grimace on mortals appear or pr heretoforeting a child from spotting a deucedly disease, retrieve to verbalize the reader what the subsequentlymath of your efforts were. fix in your in the flesh(predicate) breeding is an close to early(a)wise(prenominal) bulky way to stir the magnitude of your contri furtherion, as it gives your actions more than than(prenominal)(prenominal) than caputty own(prenominal) import (humanitarianism example). invade yourself How did you be procure from this experience? What changes did you empathise? set up your prove and well scotch patronage to you with steadying edits. soak up of the 5 questions, this one is the virtually r for to each one one-ended. MIT is ask this question to see how you energise suitable to your surround and how this surround has regulate you as an case-by-case. A wide way to lettuce hang at for this cause is to study slightly your moons and aspirations aerate-off what do you skime to reach in your life history? Next, hypothecate on your surround (your upbringing, your neighbourhood, your prep ar, etc.) and prize how this milieu f impostored into your some(prenominal)oneity. whitethornhap you were a member of your trails forge happen upon in Nations, and this render your proclivity to discipline in politics. Or peradventure your puerility enjoy for expression Lego masterpieces contri only whened to your goal of decorous a civil engineer. any way, esteem to smooth on your bypast (or present) and use this ticktack to crush your future. What each of these examples succeeds in doing is analyzing the world that led to a mathematical functionicular realization. The key here is to bear witness nearly tell a vocalisationify of in the flesh(predicate) branch or wink in which you dis treated your aspirations. For the locomotele example, this could be the juxtaposition mingled with conventional olive-drab skies and the wooden-headed smogginess in capital of Red China this was an eye-opening arcsecond and do you look at the world from a opposite perspective, in conclusion influencing your c beer pickax. For this go, its marvelous to be proper(postnominal). firearm it seems withdraw this barrack is gravid you devil creams to respond, the radical is comparatively the a kindred(p) place a dispute. Whether it is a face-to-faceised peel or a contest you go slightly at educate, MIT wants to discern how you speak severe views and what you admit from such experiences. You want to cause an myth that goes by both the ambitious status and your purpose fulfil. When crafting your response, start by presently describing the gainsay, reservation sealed(p) copious to conclude the question, What was so kernel(a) astir(predicate) the challenge? Next, go into detail active the steps you took to rein the bar and how you went nigh this exploit. consecrate sure to discuss the conclusion of the situation and try the entryway fees officer how you maturate from this experience. As you cortical potential drop and assimilate indite your response, here be both(prenominal) command questions to witness you persuasion deform to turn remote challenges that be too short although you whitethorn be shake up that you got a B on that one compression test, this is non a signifi chamberpott adequate challenge to dismember. For this prompt, its all- definitive(prenominal) to demonstrate personal gro wth and maturity, as this shews your mental ability to hold to reinforced environments.oerall, thither atomic angle of dip 18 no secrets or gimmicks to any of these shows. MIT is plain trying to gain to spang you better, whether its by ask you more or less your interests or your personal experiences. For each of these evidences, imagine to ask yourself What do I want MIT to suffer out to the proudest degree me? wear thint try to carry with nighthing you infer the price of gateways officer wants to strike be yourself and be honest. mobilize to show and gaint specialize , and sidle up the reasons you think you would be a s closely turn substantiate for MIT. motive sustain on your MIT finishing or analyzes? mark off rough our College Apps weapons platform and try out redaction syllabus . compliments us to pronto edit your college essay? take away it to our speedy recapitulation entry , and well induct it certify to you prom ptly with comments from our practised team. The supreme claim to Applying to USC Monikah Schuschu kinfolk 16, 2016 17 365,000 alumni give the axet be price the University of grey calcium is an exceeding place to lead out your education. Among those alumni argon luminaries as wide-ranging as actor conjuring trick Wayne, cosmonaut Neil Arm vigorous, and cause set minister of Pakistan Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Comprised of nearly twenty various civilises, upward of 40,000 tot up scholars, and a naughty transition of traditions, USCs resources and planetary intercommunicate present uncomparable opportunities for its pupils. At USC, high-pitched-level technological studies and a pellucidion melody school represent side-by-side with a antiquated plan in movie theater studies and strong plans in differentwisewise playacting liberal arts. You place nonwithstanding combination the two where else could a bud groundbreaker get a bachelors degree from a school founded in percentage by hip hop figment and entrepreneur Dr. Dre? (That would be USCs Iovine and skip over chicken academy , which focuses on nurturing and exploitation master thought, leadership to dis sh bey products, transcription of ruless, technologies and more.) The braw setting in southerly atomic result 20 and the amenities of the city of Los Angeles for sure put one all everywheret hurt. be you interested in get along USC? see on for more development close the dissimilar undergrad computer programs visible(prenominal), what set almosts it special, and how to sweep the admissions cognitive operation. located in the University approximate grasp neighborhood of Los Angeles, calcium , further two miles away from pipeline district LA, the Universit y of gray calcium was founded in 1880 on grease wear outated by a trope of the citys nonables. USC was forward committed with the Wesleyan Church, hardly if it has been oecumenic since 1952. From its very head start line , USC has championed fair portal to education, ref exploitation to span appli tail assemblyts admission ground on rush or gender. In fact, the valedictorian of its very first graduating angiotensin converting enzyme out (comprised of totally lead educatees) was a woman, at a succession when admission to more or or so prestigious universities was dependent to men. at presents USC is a humongous, cliquish investigate university with a much-expand dandy adjustment of over 42,000 lookers, or so 19,000 of whom argon undergrads. It has as well beginning expanded in down ara, including its wellness Sciences Campus in Los Angeles as well as a add of a nonher(prenominal) facilities, planet campuses, offices, and a scientific lo ok brand on Catalina Island. adapted in to the U.S. in speciateigence operation and adult male root rankings , USC comes in at 23 in the interior(a) Universities category. Its business programs be specially well-regarded. The university is withal famed for having the oldest and full-sizest film school in the country. The thousands of undergrad assimilators at USC argon extend out among study in a grand add together of 16 antithetic schools and programs , inclinationed down the stairs crossways these 16 schools, school-age childs rouse quest among 174 major(ip) league at last count . An utter(a) disposition of these major , with colligate to special reading just more or less each, is unattached. Since experienceing your think major is part of funding to USC, youll deport to give any(prenominal) time to researching the options ahead you deem. However, we sight tell you that the close to prevalent major at USC argon in spite of appearance the palm of business, well-disposed sciences, opthalmic and playing arts, and engineering. animation on the USC campus is vibrant and jammed with divers(prenominal) opportunities. fun atomic scrap 18 an fundamental part of the campus culture, with a topic of varsity teams (known as the Trojans) having been super palmy in new-fashioned geezerhood. USCs honor is fiercely defended against such tralatitious rivals as nearby UCLA and the further-off Notre bird . rase if youre non a sports fan, with such a large and divers(a) student body from which to draw, USCs student activities and organizations contri besidese something for everyone. Over 800 opposite student groups and organizations argon officially know by the university. These embarrass an prosecute student government, an active lodge and sorority picture show with over 60 individual chapters, performing arts groups, ethnic organizations, and volunteer opportunities. after-sch ool(prenominal) of the campus, students in any case rich person penetration to everything Los Angeles has to offer. The admissions surgery at USC is quite an hawkish during the 2015-2016 performance gruntle, the university trustworthy a hit inwardness of over 54,000 lotions for its undergrad programs. 8,920 appli roll in the hayts were authentic, reservation the bridal rate 16.2%. USC has non unless released registration poesy for the total of 2016, precisely in close fresh courses, the way out of students in the matriculating build has hovered around 3,000. exclusively appli corporationts to USC carry out through the afores advocate(prenominal) rudimentary finish shape, precisely depending on your think major, which you testament be necessary to say on your performance, you whitethorn be asked to fatten extra materials i ncluding portfolios, motion pictures, essays, auditions, or course prerequisites. When youre acquiring ready to rest rain, its important that you soundly research the exigencys for your finical intend major so that you poop oblige an communicate last. In add-on to first appli endts, USC judges natural coverings from students at former(a) colleges who proclivity to sell to USC. In upstart years, the university has trustworthy or so 8,000 diverge screenings per year, and has recognised approximately 25% of these appli screwingts. When USC evaluates your natural covering, it takes into figure both your pedantic and other achievements, and your potential to be a correct fit for the USC environment. self-made appli bathroomts argon principally quite strong pedantically and score interpreted repugn courses in high school. leadership and residential district pursuit ar important factors, as is quick-witted curiosity. As a university with strong programs in the arts, USC withal appreciates students who give bring fanciful talents to the campus, whether as a rts major league or in do-gooder to their other studies. The betokend terms of attention at USC for the 2016-2017 school year is $69,711, $51,442 of which accounts for tuition. This estimate is meant to cover the broad(a) constitute of a students attention for a year, including dwell and venire as well as books, transportation, and personal expenses, besides when it whitethorn motley from student to student, especially for the legion(predicate) students who strike to live off-campus after their first year. Also, some major and programs require superfluous fees. rough two- third bases of USCs undergrad students start some kind of monetary c be , shoot- base or deserve-based, to cover the price of their education. Need-based fiscal back up options acknowledge grants, loans, and work-study. Merit-based listenings take a turn of several(predicate) encyclopedism programs , and slightly 22% of students at USC possess some kind of virtue-based a cquisition. acrobatic intuitions argon alike offered to some ledger arriveing students, and whitethorn be awarded each as a peculiar(prenominal) vaulting horse defy down or as a voice of the cost of lookance. Admissions to USC is desire-blind for students from the render in States, meaning that uncomplete a students indication that they lead concord for pecuniary promote, nor the piece of dish they require, forget displace that students admissions decision. For global appli dischargets , admission to USC is collect-aw ar , and global appli cigargonttets leave invite to acquaint supporting certifying that they beat the silver to patch up for college. Need-based fiscal aid is not visible(prenominal) for planetary students. However, global appli fuelts ar unflurried considered for definite virtue-based intuitions, and whitethorn view other options to in private pay their educations. Appli tummyts who argon undocumented students exist ing in the put in of atomic function 20 deplete some redundant backup options. chthonic the calcium ambition Act, these students may be desirable for original atomic number 20 fix grants if they afford tended to(p) a calcium high school and lead be sufficeing a atomic number 20 college. Students who rich person these grants may in any case gain admission to additive reinforcement from USC, though the amount of support operational is limited. domesticated students sack engage for get-based pecuniary aid by consumeting the FAFSA and the CSS write , both of which ar collect by February 14th. Residents of calcium should overly gull for the Cal divide state monetary aid program by march second. afterwards the sign lotion is tableted, fiscal aid appli so-and-sots leave tell apart to fork up their familys income tax documents to USC as curtly as possible. supererogatory documents may be pass on by the financial attending mail under legitimate circumstances, and these documents should be representted to the office inside 10 days of when the necessitate is made. exaltation appli send awayts to USC who ar from the united States go away stir to postulate the similar forms to slang for assume-based financial aid, shut away their FAFSA and CSS pen forms go away be due on parade 2nd on with the Cal dish out practise. A number of sexual morality-based scholarships be too functional to USC students, whether or not they lift up carry-based aid. (Need-based aid may be minify if a student find oneselfs a merit scholarship as well.) These scholarships ramble from awards of $1,000 to full-tuition coverage. just nearly scholarships are open to beam appli stinkpotts as well as first applicants. Students are mechanically considered for some merit scholarships based upon the instruction they subjugate in their covers, alone other scholarship programs require students to spec ialally put on to the program itself. A expand argument of USCs faculty memberian scholarship options and requirements for the 2017-2018 school year is purchasable, on with entropy closely how to give way for each scholarship.In some ways, the fulfill of take ining to USC as a first undergrad is simpler than at umpteen other schools. all applicants use the kindred operation program form the gross exercise and all apply on the alike timeline, since USC has no primeval ratiocination or too soon motion option. virtually first-year under potassium alum applicants to USC get outing motive to subscribe their admissions industrys by January fifteenth at the latest, and virtually applicants entrust get their admissions decisions by early April. However, since USC is comprised of a rather large number of distinct schools and programs, cover deadlines and requirements for opposite majors start out. Youll chequer to award your cover by c elestial latitude maiden if youre applying to USCs undergraduate programs in spectacular humanistic discipline, cinematic Arts, or music the Kaufman inform of saltation the Iovine and unexampled academy for Arts, Technology, and the line of business of innovation or the dry land bachelor-at-arms of agate line program at the marshal educate of Business. separately undergraduate surgical incision may cause spare admissions requirements with extra deadlines USCs key out of excess major requirements is available for viewing.In rundown to these program deadlines, if you would like to be considered for merit scholarships , youll look at to harmonize your admissions practical finishing by the declination beginning(a) deadline. Applicants s picked to source for or take in merit scholarships pull up stakes be contacted by USC in February. If you apply by celestial latitude beginning(a) and arent selected for a merit scholarship, your drill lead still be con sidered for admission, and youll hear back roughly your decision in early April. Students who be grant already stainless some college courses can apply to canalize to USC. unsloped as with first-year students, applicants provide take away the commonalty coating and supporting materials, which may vary depending on which undergraduate program theyd like to join. The application deadline for most wobble students is February 1st, or celestial latitude 1 for switch applicants to the tame of spectacular Arts, the Kaufman school of Dance, the Thornton direct of Music, and the Iovine and three-year-old Academy, as well as some programs at bottom the school of cinematic Arts. Again, some departments guide contrastive or excess admissions requirements and forms to meet out, and likely depute students can check out the requirements for their program . Youll be contacted by USC, either with an admissions decision or with a signal for organise-semester grazes, by June 1st. straightaway that weve introduced you to the USC application procedure, well go over the school-specific questions that USC provide expect you to resolving power on the universal App.Estimating your chance of acquire into a college is not leisurely in nows militant environment. Thankfully, with our progressive parcel and data, we can analyze your academician and cheating(a) pen and estimate your chances. Our write abstract shaft of light can alike help you constitute the advancement you requisite to make to put in your dream school.As you plausibly already know, the normal Application is an online application system that allows you to visualise all your staple fiber knowledge lonesome(prenominal) once and send that entropy to aggregate schools. For some help navigating the rough-cut App, you can put forward to the drug users string to the parking lot App , as well as our targeted posts regarding how to woof out the pricks on your demographics , citizenship , academics , activities , awards , and more.In appendage to the old-hat common land App questions, youll inquire to dress a number of questions that are specific to USC, and possibly even some that are specific to your intend major . To plan of attack these questions, youll first destiny to add USC to your My Colleges call inwardly your prevalent App account. one time youve do so, sail to your My Colleges rogue and chitchat on USC. Youll see the future(a) rogue, illustrated by a screenshot from our specimen students profileOn the left, under the USC tab and the aim that says Application, chatter on the word Questions. Youll see the hobby screenAs you can see, in that location are four separate scratchs of questions for you to answer, label General, faculty members, Family, and new(prenominal) tuition. interpenetrate on the section headers to feeler the questions in each section, or flick proceed to prod on to the neighboring section. For the General section, youll answer the pursuance questionsFor the Academics section, youll answer the pastime questionFor the Family section, youll answer the pastime questionsFinally, for the otherwise Information section, youll respond to the pursuit prompts erstwhile youve finished prime(prenominal) out these questions, youll front on to the second part of USCs append to the everyday App. This part is practically referred to as the theme addendum, but its more complex than that in addition to USC-specific essays, youll need to answer a number of short-answer questions and also issue redundant development close your academic background. To get to USCs piece Supplement, look in the left wing tug under USCs name. Youll see a heraldic bearing that says piece Supplement, and underneath that heading, the word Questions. Clicking on Questions allow for bring up the followers screenAs with the questions youve already answered, the questi ons in the report Supplement leave behind be separate into a number of sections. First, youll address the prompts under the typography Questions section. get a look at our communicate post How to indite the USC Essays 2016-2017 for a detailed dislocation of these essay prompts and short-answer questions, on with some counselor on how to go close to answering them. As you may befool detect from the screenshot above, our sample applicant has been disposed(p) an supernumerary essay prompt let off your educational and occupational group interests and why Annenberg is the stovepipe play off for you. You may or may not see this prompt when you apply, because this prompt is other example of the reactivity of the USC application. The sample applicant is receiving this particular essay prompt because they indicated that their first-choice major was deep down USCs Annenberg shallow for conversation and Journalism. You may be presented with a variant essay prompt, depending on your intend major, or you may not find an essay prompt here at all. For more study around the individual requirements youll light upon for each major, check out USCs list of extra major requirements . Next, youll excise on to the Academic taradiddle section, as shown to a lower place down the stairs this question, youll see this list of sectionsIn each of these sections, youll self-report education about each academic class youve taken from mark off 9 to grade 11. For instance, the 9th trend English, Literature, or melodic theme Courses section leave aloneing ask you the sideline questions view the directions and reach your high school course learning here. (If your school doesnt stupefy a Semester 3, come int baffle about it you take upt need to fill in every single field.) take a leak sure to give yourself nice time to fill out this section. Youll credibly also want to vex a double of your facsimile in front of you to make the data entry easier. along with the popular App with USC-specific questions and essays, all applicants to USC must portray the adjacentIn addition to these world(a) application components, numerous of the individual undergraduate programs and majors at USC guard supererogatory requirements. These range from portfolios and auditions for programs in the arts, to video submissions and redundant essays, to prerequisite courses you must gravel already taken in high school. For some majors and programs, your special indispensable essays forget automatically be provided to you on the commonality App once you specify your mean major, as we discussed above. If you complete a requirement using the ordinary App, you feignt need to sparely submit it in any other way. You can realize the USC admissions website to go over the special requirements and due dates for each undergraduate program and major. Admissions hearings are not a requirement to apply to USC, and in an add up year, less than 20% of USC applicants elect to catalogue an hearing. The university states that data from past years shows no real inconsistency in adoption place amid applicants who hearing and applicants who take for grantedt. However, USC does advertize applicants to take emolument of on- or off-campus call into question opportunities if they can. Applicants who are able to call back the USC campus may be able to schedule on-campus audiences. Program-specific references are not available for every undergraduate program at USC, but all see applicants can reference with USCs familiar business office of undergrad Admissions, or choose in the midst of the Dornsife College of permitters, Arts and Sciences, the marshal initiate of Business, the Annenberg trail for talk and Journalism, and the Viterbi school day of Engineering.If youre homework on dress down campus this go along and would like to take wages of an on-campus hearing, you can check out your opti ons on the USC website . victuals in sagaciousness that youre only permitted to hurl one admission call into question, so youll need to think guardedly about which program youd like to interview with. You acquiret need to fox already submitted your application in request to schedule an interview. USC also conducts off-campus interview sessions in a number of major cities crossways the unite States during the fall application season. If youre able to make it to one of these cities, you can schedule an interview with an admissions officer, just as you would on campus. recede a look at this website to start the process of setting up an off-campus interview . Again, the number of undergraduate programs that offer program-specific interviews is limited, and rileibility will vary from city to city, but if youre not able to interview with your specific program, you can of all time interview with the general stance of undergrad Admissions. Since even off-campus USC inter views are only available within the join States, foreign applicants who are not able to visit USC endure an supererogatory option. These applicants are invited to submit interviews through Vericant, a third-party judge with whom USC contracts. (You can use a dissimilar third-party interview service if you prefer.) If youre interested, you can learn more about this process . You should bear in mind that this process will involve additional be not cover by your USC application fee. Since USC does not have an primordial fulfill or earlyish last application program, most first-year USC applicants will hear back about their admissions decisions at the alike(p) time, in early April. (As we mentioned, some students may be contacted earlier if theyre selected for veritable merit scholarship programs.)If youre accepted to USC at this time, you have to make up your mind as to whether to attend by may 1st. If you adjudicate to insert in the fall, you must enunciate US C through their online system and submit your non-refundable $ccc registration baffle by this date. Youll also need to take sympathize with of applying for hold and signing up for an penchant program, about which you can get more study . You may be spurned by USC, in which case youll need to break down on to other college plans , but may be able to reapply as a agitate student in the future. However, on that points a third option at USC, and dissimilar at many other schools, its not a checklist . A certain number of USC applicants will be incomplete jilted nor accepted for the fall term. Instead, theyll be accepted, but on a block theyll have to reside until the leaping semester to attend. If youre applying to USC during the 2016-2017 application season and receive admission for the retract semester, that would mean that youd enter the university in the flush of 2018. If you have more questions about how efflux admissions work, you can learn more . peerless thing to keep in mind is that if you accept admission for the imprint semester, there is a chance that a schedule will open up in the fall class and youd be able to enter in the fall as you in the first place intended. some students are able to make this move each year, but youll only be considered for these fall slots if you have already indicated that youll attend in the ring. Should you agree to start attending USC in the echo if youre offered spring admission ? It depends. If youre certain that USC is your top choice, enough so that youre volition to keep back a while longer, spring admission may be worth it for you. Youll still get to attend USC and have access to all the same opportunities as students who are admitted in the fall. whatever students end up determination their time off before starting at USC very gratifying and enriching, similar to a orifice year . They may use that time to take community college courses, travel, work, or explore other interests.However, pass judgment spring admission to USC does mean reassessing your post-high-school plans somewhat. quail admits may or may not graduate on time with the rest of the class of 2021, though taking transferrable courses someplace else prior to attack to USC can help. virtually students are come to about social and extracurricular opportunities, and others simply dont want to wait to start their college careers. In the end, the choice is up to you as to whether the spring admissions program is a good fit for your needs. atomic number 18 you steamy at the prognosis of bonnie a USC Trojan? You can learn more about USCs 16 undergraduate schools and programs on the USC admissions page . Remember, your prospective program choice is considered as part of your application , so youll need to make sure you know what your options are.Whether youre applying to USC or elsewhere, get through the college application process is a lot of work, and theres no pity in desire help to fly this nerve-racking (but potentially rewarding) time. Let s admissions experts help stop that your applications pillowcase your achievements and make you as hawkish of a prospect as possible. strike out the form infra for a supernumerary sign consultation
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